Wednesday 24 April 2024

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1 Are there any authentic traditions for Imam Ali’s (AS) birth in Kaaba?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
2 Why have not the names of the Imams been mentioned explicitly in Quran?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
3 Did Amir Momenin (peace be upon him) refer to the Khadir Hadith?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
4 Is the following narration valid?

«رسول الله (ص) ينام بين على وعائشة»<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
5 in contrast with the  «فنظر امير المؤمنين(ع) بين فخذيها»	isn`t the narration
Immaculateness of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
6 been narrated in the Sunni  «من أطاع عليا فقد أطاعني»   Has the narration
Sources with valid document?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
7 been narrated in the Sunni sources with valid   «علي مع الحق» Has the narration
document?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
8 Did Aeshe prostrate after she heard the news of the martyrdom of Amir Momenan (peace be upon him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
9 Why did Hazrat Khezr murder a youth whereas he had not committed any crime?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
10 Why did not Imam Ali (peace be upon him), make a law to annihilate the heresies of the caliphs.<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
11 Did Amir Momenan (peace be upon him) disagree with the order of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in the Hodaybie peace?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
12 Been narrated in the Sunni sources with valid     «أنا مدينة العلم»  Has the narration document ?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
13 One of narrations that proves the reality of the religion of Ahle Beit (peace be upon them) is the narration<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
14 Why did Amir Momenin (peace be upon him) disagree with the uprising of Abu Sofyan against Abu Bakr?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
15 Why did Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) call his three children Umar, Abubakr and Usman?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
16 Have the Sunnite scholars interpreted the word ‘’ Mola’’ as the concept of Imam and Qaliph in the narration of Qadir?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
17 In what sources the narration ‘’ if Ali (peace be upon him) was not then Omar would be destroyed’’ has been mentioned?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
18 Why do they call His Holiness Ali (peace be upon him) as’’ the divider of paradise and hell”?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
19 Has the narration ‘’ no one claimed my superiority over Abu Bakr and Omar unless I punished him for this false accusation’’ been authentically quoted from the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
20 Has Imam Ali (peace be upon him) performed prayer behind the Qaliphs?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
21 Has the narration ‘’ I was eaten the day when the white cow was eaten ‘’ been authentically quoted from the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
22 Is the accusation of one of the Sunnite website pertaining to the idolatry of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in pre-Islamic era is true?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
23 What will be happened if Abu Bakr and Omar have not opposed the Caliphate of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
24 Did Imam Ali (peace be upon him) criticize the Iranian way of welcome?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
25 Did Amir Momenan (peace be upon him) attend the event of Ghertas?
 If so, why did not he react against the persons that insulted him?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
26 Did Amir Momenan (peace be upon him) and Hosnin (peace be upon him) defend Usman?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
27 Are there any valid traditions for Imam Ali’s (AS) birth in Kaaba?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
28 Have the Verses of "Tabliq" (Announcement) and "Ikmal"  (Perfection) been  Revealed in Qadir Khom and Pertaning to Imamate of his Holiness Ali (Peace be Upon  Him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
29 Has the verse ‘’ the man who possess the knowledge of the book’’ been revealed about Imam Ali (peace be upon him)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
30 Did Ali [AS] believe that the caliphate of caliphs is legitimate?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
31 Is there any consensus amongst Sunni scholars that commander of faithful [AS] is the first Muslim?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
32 Did Hadrat “Ali” [AS]’s children put on black clothing due to his martyrdom?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
33 Did “Umar Ibn Khattab” wish to have the virtues of commander of the faithful [AS]?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
34 Was the verse “ومن عنده علم الكتاب” sent down about Imam “Ali” [AS]?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
35 Is this narrative «من سبّ عليا فقد سبني» written in Sunni resources with authentic document?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
36 What’s the meaning of “Abu Turab” and why was this title given to commander of the faithful Ali [AS]?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
37 According to “Nahj al-Balagha” sermon 92,( ولَعَلِّي أَسْمَعُكُمْ وَأَطْوَعُكُمْ لِمَنْ وَلَّيْتُمُوهُ أَمْرَكُمْ

) does commander of the faithful believe that caliph is selected by people or almighty god?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>

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