Monday 22 July 2024

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51 At least 10 injured in Shikarpur suicide blast during Eid prayers
At least 10 people, including two policemen, were injured in a suicide blast during Eid prayers in Shikarpur`s Khanpur tehsil on Monday. Police also foiled a separate suicide blast at an imambargah in the tehsil.
52 Azhar cleric excludes Salafists from Sunnis, irks Saudis
Saudi clerics have reacted angrily to recent remarks by Egyptian Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, who excluded Salafists from Sunnis during a religious conference in Chechnya, Russia.
53 Number of Canadians joining extremist groups on rise: Report
The number of Canadian citizens who have traveled overseas to join extremist organizations such as the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group has grown over the past months, a new government report says.
54 Saudi Arabia using cluster bombs on Yemeni residential areas: UN
The UN human rights office says the Saudi military is using cluster bombs against residential areas in Yemen in violation of international law, blaming the Riyadh regime for most of the civilian casualties in its impoverished southern neighbor.
55 Najaf Friday Prayer leader calls on Saudi Arabia to avoid sectarian harassment against Hajj pilgrims
The Iraqi people will rebuild the country after the liberation of Mosul from the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group. Through the peoples` political, national, strong will and by heeding the guidance of the sources of emulation, there won’t be any danger and uncertainty in Iraq’s future," Sayyed Sadruddin al-Qubanchi stated during his Friday prayer sermon in the Iraqi city of Najaf’s al-Fatimiyah al-Kubra Husayniyah.
56 Saudi warplanes hit Yemen, kill 17 civilians in 24 hours
At least 17 civilians, including women and children, have been killed and nearly two dozen others injured in about 90 airstrikes carried out by Saudi warplanes on Yemen in 24 hours.
57 Daesh uses chemical weapons in recent attack in Iraqi village
The Daesh Takfiri terrorists have used internationally-banned chemical weapons in their recent attack against civilians in a village in northern Iraq.
58 ISIS Burned 20 in Iraq’s Kirkuk as They Refused Join Terror Group
ISIS terrorists set 20 young detainees on fire at Hawija in Kirkuk province as they refused to join the terror group, a tribal leader declared.
59 Iran’s FM Has Urged Abuja to Release Sheikh Zakzaky, Cleric Says
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has expressed concern over the health conditions of top Nigerian Shiite cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and called for his release, a member of a delegation accompanying Zarif in his visit to Nigeria said.
60 ISIL Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 15 in Baghdad
A suicide bombing claimed by the ISIL group killed at least 15 people in a Shiite area of northern Baghdad on Sunday, security and medical officials said
61 Kurdish Yazidi woman recognizes her ISIS abuser in Germany
A Kurdish Yazidi woman who survived the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/IS) captivity accidently saw her IS abuser in Germany.
62 28 Pages Report of 9/11 Reveals Saudi’s Trace in Attack
The 28-pages report of US congress over 9/11 attacks have finally been released, confirming suspicions that the terrorists likely received support from high-ranking Saudi intelligence officers.
63 Bahraini protesters slam top Shia cleric’s citizenship revocation
Bahraini protesters hold portraits of top Bahraini Shia cleric Sheikh Issa Qassim during a protest rally against the revocation of the clergyman’s citizenship, in the village of Diraz, west of the capital, Manama, July 10, 2016.
64 A Bloody EID at DI Khan
65 Iraq Mourns 213 Martyred in Baghdad Car Bombing
Iraq begins three days of national mourning on Monday for almost more than 200 people martyred by a suicide bombing in a busy Baghdad shopping district claimed by Takfiri ISIL group, the deadliest attack in the capital this year.
66 Lebanon Sunni cleric slams Saudi mishandling of 2015 Hajj
A prominent Lebanese cleric has denounced Saudi Arabia’s mishandling of the Hajj pilgrimage, which led to a deadly crush last year, saying the tragedy cannot pass just as an ordinary accident.
67 Syria: Twin Terrorist Blasts Kill, Injure many in Sayyeda Zeinab
Twin terrorist blasts rocked Sayyeda Zeinab area in Damascus countryside on Saturday, killing an injuring more than 20 people.
68 ISIL Militants Plant Bombs in Holy Qurans to Escape Defeat in Fallujah
Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim Jafari said the ISIL terrorist group plants bombs in copies of the Quran to prevent the advance of Iraqi Army and volunteer forces in Fallujah.
69 One Shiite Man Martyred, several hurt as violence erupts in Karachi
70 Takfiris fed at table of the arrogant global powers: Ayatollah Bashir
In a statement released on the first anniversary of the issuance of an important and historical fatwa (religious edict) by Ayatollah al-Sistani, Grand Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi stated that the current tragedy affecting Muslim countries and Muslim people around the world has been created by the enemies of Islam and has been nurtured and fed at the table of the arrogant global powers.
71 Sheikh Zakzaky Still in Jail, Getting Better: Nigerian Cleric
Top Shiite cleric and leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky still remains in custody following his arrest in a December raid against Shiite Muslims, but his health is improving, a Nigerian cleric in Iran said.
72 12YO Yazidi Sex Slave Reveals How She Fled from ISIS
A 12-year-old Yazidi girl, who was being held by the militants with her 17-year-old aunt, managed to escape sex slavery at the hands of her ISIS captors by slipping sleeping pills in their tea.
73 An Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Leader Converted to Shia Islam in Holy Karbala
Iraqi sources revealed that an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader convert to Shiite Islam during his visit to the holy city of Karbala, south of Baghdad.
74 Indian Muslim scholars: Wahhabism has no relation with Islam
A group of Indian Sunni scholars slammed Wahhabism, saying it as a part of Saudi Arabia’s policies which have nothing to do with Islam.
75 Daesh moves its command centers to hospitals in N Iraq
The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group uses hospitals as its key command centers in Iraq’s northern city of Hawijah. (Sumaria)
76 Human Rights Watch calls on Bahrain to stop deporting citizens
The Human Rights Watch (HRW) has demanded the Bahrain regime to stop deporting citizens after stripping them of their citizenship, saying the illegal expulsions are causing numerous sufferings.
77 Yazidi Sex Slave Who Sold 8 Times to ISIS Militants
Khalida tried to kill herself many times, in an attempt to free herself from the terrible abuse she was suffering.She tattooed her father’s name on her arm so her body could identify after her death.
78 Bahraini, Saudi Shiites to Stage Sit-in Protest against al-Khalifa, al-Saud
79 Sunni Muslims, Wahhabis differ widely
A senior Iranian Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirzai, said that one should differ between Sunni Muslims and Wahhabis as the latter have turned to puppets in the hands of Islam`s enemies.
80 How ISIS forces Yazidi sex slaves to take contraceptive pill and have abortions to keep them available for jihadis
81 UN calls on Bahrain to engage in `deep reforms`
Bahraini police attack and arrest peaceful protesters
82 Bahraini Regime’s Court Rejects Appeal of Jailed Islamic Scholar
top Bahraini regime court has rejected an appeal filed by Seyyed Kamel al-Hashimi a prominent Islamic scholar imprisoned by a lower court.
83 31,000 pregnant women living in ISIL-held territories
Over 31,000 women living or trapped inside the areas captured by ISIL are pregnant
84 ISIS not Representing Sunni Islam: British Islamic Scholar
A senior British Sunni scholar has reiterated that ISIS Takfiri terrorist group does not represent Islam and Sunnis in any way.
85 Several dead in Baghdad Shia mosque double bombing
At least 12 people have been killed in a double suicide bombing targeting a mosque frequented by Shia worshippers in the northwest of the Iraqi capital, police said.
86 Shiite, Sunni are Brothers and Wings of Islam
Dr. Shaikh Ahmad Al Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, on Monday has urged more tolerance among different Islamic schools and doctrines, saying Shiite and Sunni people are brothers and the wings of Islam.
87 Protest in Bahrain cities against Saudi`s execution of prominent Shia Cleric `Sheikh Nimr`
Police forces in Bahrain fired tear gas and rubber bullets at people protesting the execution by Saudi Arabia of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.
88 House of Saud and ISIS: One and the Same
The official website of Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei,, has released a cartoon comparing Saudi Arabia to the terrorist group of ISIS (ISIL).
89 Ayatollah Makarem issued a note on Strategies and Solutions of Muslim World to Confront Al Saud Crimes
Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, in a recently issued note, counted the key strategies for the world of Islam to confront violence and crimes committed by Saudi Arabia denouncing the recent execution of Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al Nimr.
90 Daesh Takfiris abduct 78 teachers in northern Iraq
Daesh Takfiri militants have reportedly abducted nearly 80 teachers in Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh after the instructors refused to promote the group’s heavily-distorted interpretations of religious principles in areas under their control.
91 Two Iraqi mosques targeted by bombing attacks in Babil Province
Two mosques have been targeted by bombing attacks carried out by unknown assailants in different areas in central Iraq.
92 Saudi armored vehicles heading to Qatif
Saudi armored vehicles have headed to the restive city of Qatif in Eastern Province after the execution of prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a report says.
93 Top Iraq Shiite cleric `Ayatollah Sistani` condemns Saudi `s Barbaric Execution of Sheikh Nimr
Iraq`s top Shi 'ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani on Sunday condemned the execution of Shi`ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr by Saudi Arabian regime, calling it an "unjust agression".
94 Saudis to suffer dire consequences of ill-advised action
“Al-Saud will soon suffer the dire and far-reaching consequences of this ill-advised action. This crime is not only severely condemned by Shi’as, but it will certainly be strongly condemned by Sunnis as well as all free-spirited men around the world” Ayatollah Makarem said.
95 Saudi Arabia Executes Senior Shia Cleric   `Sheikh al-Nimr` & 46 Others + Names
Saudi Interior Ministry says it executes 47 people, including prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

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