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Has Shiites religion had any historians in the 2, 3, or 4 century of Hejra?
ID: 153 Publish Date: 21 January 2016 - 13:20 Count Views: 1845
Question & Answer » Shia
Has Shiites religion had any historians in the 2, 3, or 4 century of Hejra?




From the first century of Hejra until this age Shiite religion has had numerous historians and we are going to mention some their names as instances



1, Salim Ibn Qays Helali Tabei was one of the eminent companions of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him)

Ibn Nadim says that;

أول كتاب ظهر للشيعة كتاب سليم بن قيس الهلالي . . .

The first Shiite book which has been published was the book of Salim Ibn Qays Al-Helali

-Fehrest, Ibn Al-Nadim Al-Baghdadi, p 275, Chapter Al-Fan Al-Khames : Min Al-Moghalete Al-Sades Min Ketab Al-Fehrest .

2, Asbaq Ibn Nabatah Tabei one of the eminent companions of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him)

Shakh Tusi says in the book Fehrest that

كان الأصبغ من خاصة أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ... روى الدوري عنه ايضاً مقتل الحسين بن علي عليه السلام وذكر سنده إليه المائة الأولى .

Asbaq Ibn Nabatah was one on the eminent followers of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) and Dori has quoted the book Maqtal Al -Hossein (which has been written by Asbaq) from him as well as his proof has been narrated from him in the first century of Hejrah

-Al-Fehrest p 85, 86, Chapter Al-Vahed, Translated by: Al-Asbagh Ben Nabatat  No 119.


3, Aban Ibn Othman Al-Ahmar (died in 140 Hejrah)

قد أخذ عنه أهلها : أبو عبيدة معمر بن المثنى وأبو عبد الله محمد بن سلام وأكثروا الحكاية عنه في أخبار الشعراء والنسب والأيام ، روي عن أبي عبد الله وأبي الحسن موسى عليهما السلام . له كتاب حسن كبير يجمع المبتدأ والمغازي والوفاة والردة .

Shakh Tusi states that; the people and his relatives have learned from him and the majority of the present quotations from him pertaining to the stories of poets, history and ancestry have been narrated by Abu Obaydah Moamar Ibn Mothana and Abu Abd Allah Mohammad Ibn Salam and he has quoted from Imam Sadeq and Imam Mosa Ibn Jafar (peace be upon them) and he has a great and considerable book in which the story of the early days of the prophecy of the holy prophet of GOD and His Holiness’ wars and demise as well as the apostate after His Holiness have been complied in that book

-Al-Fehrest Sheikh Tusi p 59, Chapter Aban, Translated by: Aban Ben Osman Al-Ahmar No 62, Rejal Al-Najashi p 13, Chapter Al-Alef  Translated by: Aban Ben Osman Al-Amar  No 8.

4, Mohammad Ibn Al-Saeb Al-Kalbi (died in 146 Hejrah)

Zahabi says pertaining to him that

العلامة الاخباري ، أبو النضر محمد بن السائب بن بشر الكلبي المفسر . وكان أيضا رأسا في الأنساب إلا أنه شيعي متروك الحديث .

He is Allamah (a highly knowledgeable man) as well as historian and commentator and he is a prominent and distinguished ancestry expert unless he is Shiites and we are not going to quote from him

-Seir alam Al-Nobala v 6, p 248, No 111

May the creator be Glorified, what an ignorant prejudice that such a an influential man with outstanding scientific standing will be ignored merely dud to his Shiite faiths

Ibn Al-Nadim says that

من علماء الكوفة بالتفسير و الأخبار وأيام الناس ... توفى محمد بن السائب بالكوفة سنة ست وأربعين ومائة . (146)

he was one of the Kufi scholars in the field of interpretation, narration and history who passed away in 146 Hejrah

-Fehrest Ibn Nadim Al-Baghdadi p 107, 108, Chapter Akhbar Muhammad Ben Al-Saeb .

5, Abu Mokhnaf Lot Ibn Yahya Al-Azodi Al-Qamedi (died in prior to the year 170 Hejrah)

Najashi states that

شيخ أصحاب الأخبار بالكوفة ووجههم وصنف كتبا كثيرة منها : المغازي ، فتوح الاسلام ، فتوح العراق ، فتوح خراسان ، الجمل ، صفين ، النهر ، الغارات ، قتل الحسين عليه السلام و ... .

Abu Mokhnaf was one of the Kufi outstanding and great figures and scholars who has written various books which include the books; Al-Maqazi, Fotuh Al-Islam, Fotuh Al-Iraq, Fotu Khorasan, Al-Jamal, Safin, Al-Nahr, Al-Qarat, the murder of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him)

-Rejal Al-Najashi p 320, Chapter Al-Lam, Translated by: Lut Ben Yahya Ben Saeid Ben Mokhnaf Ben Salem Al-Azadi Al-Ghamadi , Abu Mokhnef , No 875

Zahabi says in quotation from Ibn Oday that Abu Mokhnaf is a Shiite

قال ابن عدي : شيعي .

-Mizan Al-Etedal v 3, p 420, Translated by: Lut Ben Yahya, Abu  Mokhnef, No 6992, Al-San al-Mizan Ibn Hojr Asghalani v 4, p 492, Translated by: Lot Ben Yahya, Abu Mokhnef, No 1568

Ibn Al-Nadim says that

قرأت بخط أحمد بن الحارث الخزاز قالت العلماء : أبو مخنف بأمر العراق واخبارها وفتوحها يزيد على غيره .

 I saw a sample of the handwriting of Ahmad Ibn Al-Hareth Al-Khazaz that he has written that scholars state;

Abu Mokhnaf was more knowledgeable man pertaining to Iraq and its history and events more than anyone else

-Fehrest Ibn Nadim Al-Baghdadi p 106, under translation  Abu Mokhnef

Abd his books are

The book Al-Radah, the book Ftuh Al-Sham, the book Al-Jamal, the book Sefayn, the book Al-Nahravan and Al-Khavarej, the book Al-Qarat, the book Al-Kharit Ibn Rashed and Bani Najiah, the book Maqtal of Ali (peace be upon him), the book Maqtal Hojr Ibn Oday, the book Maqtal Mohammad Ibn Abi Bakr and Al-Ashtar and Mohammad Ibn Abi Hozayfa, the book Al-Shora, and Maqtal Othman, the book Al-Mosturad Ibn Olfah, the book Maqtal Al-Hossein (peace be upon him), the book Vafa Moaviah and Velaya ( Ibnah) Yaid and Vaqa Al-Harah and Hesar Ibn Jobayr, the book Mokhtar Ibn Abi Obayd, the book Solayman Ibn Sorad and Ayn Al-Varda, the book Maraj Rahet and Bayah Marvan and Maqtal Zahak Ibn Qays, the book Mosab and Velayat Al-Iraq, the book Maqtal Abd Allah Ibn Zobayr, the book Maqtal Saeed Ibn Aes, the book Hadith or Homayra and Maqtal Ibn Ashath, the book Belal Al-Kareji, the book Najdah Abi Fadayk, the book Hadith Al-Azaraqah, the book Hadith Roshanqobad, the book Shabib Al-Horvari and Saleh Ibn Mosrah, the book Al-Motref Ibn Al-Moqayrah, the book (Dayr) Al-Jamajam and Khal Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Ashath, the book Yazid Ibn Al-Mohalab and Maqtalah Belaqr, the book Khaled Ibn Abd Allah Al-Qasri and Yusef Ibn Omar and the death of Hesham and Velayt Al-Valid (Ibn Yazid) ( the book Zayd Ibn Ali peace be upon him), the book Al-Zahak Al-Khareji

- Fehrest Ibn Nadim Al-Baghdadi p 106, under translation  Abu Mokhnef


Hesham Ibn Mohammad Ibn Al-Saeb Ibn Boshr (died in 206 Hejrah)

قال محمد بن سعد كاتب الواقدي : هو هشام بن محمد بن السائب بن بشر ، عالم بالنسب واخبار العرب و أيامها ومثالبها ووقائعها ... وتوفى هشام في سنة ست ومائتين .

-Fehrest Ibn Nadim Al-Baghdadi p 108, Akhbar Hosham Al-Kolabi

Ibn Nadim says in the quotation of Mohammad Ibn Sad that

Hesham Ibn Mohammad Ibn Saeb Ibn Boshr was knowledgeable pertaining to the Arabs ancestries and their history and news as well as the events and disasters which occurred and he passed away in the year 206 Hejrah

But the list of some of his books is as follow;

Kataba Fe Al-Ahlaf, the book Helf Abd Al-Motaleb and Khazaah, the book Fazael Qays Aylan, the book Al-Kani, the book Akhbar Al-Abbas Ibn Abd Al-Motaleb, the book Sharaf Qasi Ibn Kalab Va Valadah Fe Jahelia Va Al-Islam, the book Alqab Qoraysh, the book Alqab Bani Tabekhah, the book Alqab Qays Aylan, the book Alqab Rabiah, the book Alqab Al-Yaman, the book Al-Mathaleb, the book Al-Navafel Yahtavi Ale Navafel Qoraysh, Navafel Kenanah, Navafel Tamim, Navafel Qays, Navafel Ayad, Navafel Rabiah, the book Tasmiah Men Nafal Men Aad Va Thamud Va Al-Amaliq Va Khabarehem Va Bani Israel Men Al-Arab Va Qesah Al-Hajarayn Va Asma Qabaelehem, Navafel Qazaah, Nvafel Al-Yaman and …

كتبه في الاحلاف كتاب حلف عبد المطلب وخزاعة ... كتاب فضائل قيس عيلان .. كتاب الكنى ، كتاب اخبار العباس بن عبد المطلب ... كتاب شرف قصي بن كلاب وولده في الجاهلية والاسلام ، كتاب ألقاب قريش ، كتاب ألقاب بنى طابخة ، كتاب ألقاب قيس عيلان ، كتاب ألقاب ربيعة ، كتاب ألقاب اليمن ، كتاب المثالب ، كتاب النوافل يحتوي على نوافل قريش ، نوافل كنانة ، نوافل أسد ، نوافل تميم ، نوافل قيس ، نوافل أياد ، نوافل ربيعة ، كتاب تسمية من نفل من عاد و ثمود والعماليق وخبرهم وبنى إسرائيل من العرب وقصة الهجريين وأسماء قبائلهم ، نوافل قضاعة ، نوافل اليمن و ...

- Fehrest Ibn Nadim Al-Baghdadi p 108, Akhbar Hosham Al-Kolabi

Ebrahim Ibn Mohammad Ibn Saeed (died in 283 Hejrah)

إبراهيم بن محمد بن سعيد بن هلال بن عاصم بن سعد بن مسعود الثقفي أصله كوفي ... وله مصنفات كثيرة ... منها كتاب المبتدأ ، كتاب السيرة ، كتاب معرفة فضل الأفضل ، كتاب أخبار المختار ، كتاب المغازي ، كتاب السقيفة ، كتاب الردة ، كتاب مقتل عثمان ، كتاب الشورى ، كتاب بيعة علي [ عليه السلام ] ، كتاب الجمل ، كتاب صفين ، كتاب الحكمين ، كتاب النهر ، كتاب الغارات ، كتاب مقتل أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ، كتاب رسائله و أخباره [ عليه السلام ] ، كتاب قيام الحسن [ عليه السلام ] ، كتاب مقتل الحسين [ عليه السلام ] ، كتاب التوابين ، كتاب فدك و ... ومات إبراهيم بن محمد الثقفي سنة ثلاث وثمانين ومائتين .

-Rejal Al-Najashi p 16, Chapter Al-Alf Min , Translated by: Ebrahim Ben Muhammad  Ben Saeid, No 19, Al-Fehrest Sheikh Tusi , p 37, Chapter Ebrahim, Translated by: Ebrahim Ben Muhammad Ben Saeid

Najashi states that

 Ebrahim Ibn Mohammad Ibn Saeed Ibn Helah Ibn Asem Ibn Sad Ibn Masoud Al-Thaqafi was personally from Kufeh and he has also written various books and some of them are as follow

The book Al-Mobtada (pertaining to the early days of the prophecy of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny), the book Syrah, the book Marefat Fazl Al-Fazl, the book Akhbar Al-Mokhtar, the book Al-Maqazi, the book Al-Thaqifah, the book Al-Radah, the book Maqtal Othman, the book Al-Shora, the book Bayah Ali (peace be upon him), the book Al-Jamal, the book Safin, the book Al-Hakamain, the book Al-Nahr, the book Al-Qarat, the book Maqtal of the commander of the faithful ( peace be upon him), the book Rasaelah Va Akhbarah (peace be upon him), the book Qyam Al-Hossein (peace be upon him), the book Maqtal Al-Hossein (peace be upon him), the book Al-Tavabin, the book Fadak and …


 Ali Ibn Mohammad Al-Odvi Al-Shamshati

علي بن محمد العدوي الشمشاطي أبو الحسن ، من عدي [ بني ] تغلب عدي بن عمرو بن عثمان بن تغلب ، كان شيخا بالجزيرة وفاضل أهل زمانه وأديبهم . له كتب كثيرة ، منها : ... كتاب مختصر تاريخ الطبري وحذف الأسانيد والتكرار وزاد عليه من سنة ثلاث وثلاثمائة إلى وقته ، قال سلامة : فجاء نحو ثلاثة آلاف ورقة ، وتمم كتاب الموصل لأبي زكريا زيد بن محمد ، وكان فيه إلى سنة إحدى وعشرين وثلاثمائة ، فعمل فيه من أول سنة اثنين وعشرين وثلاثمائة إلى وقته فدخلت فيه زيادة (زيادات) كثيرة ، كتاب نسب ولد معد بن عدنان ولمع من أخبارهم وأيامهم ...

-Rejal Al-Najashi, p 263, 264, Chapter Al-Ein  Min Abd ullah, Translated by: Ali Ben Muhammad Al-Advi Al-Shemhsati, No 689

Najashi states that

Ali Ibn Mohammad Al-Odvi Al-Shamshati Abu Al-Hasan was one of the great figures of Arab peninsula and he was the most outstanding scientific figure as well as the most literary man in his own age and he has also written numerous books and some of them are as follow;

The book an abstract history of Tabari; and in this book in addition to eliminate the repeated points, he has omitted the proofs from the beginning of the statements and added the latest events namely from the year 303 Hejrah until his own era to this book. Salamah says that; this book of Al-Shamshati has had more than 3000 pages an dhe has finished the book Al-Musel which was written by Abi Zakaria Zayd Ibn Mohammad in which the historical events until the year 321 Hejrah have been mentioned and Ali Ibn Mohammad Shamshati has added the latest events from the year 322 Hejrah until his own age to this book. In general, Ali Ibn Mohammad Shamshati has added various points to this book and his another book is about the ancestor of Valad Maad Ibn Adnan and some of the events and their historical news and issues

Mohammad Ibn Abi Bakr Homam Ibn Sohayl Al-Kateb Al-Eskafi (died in 336 Hejrah)

شيخ أصحابنا ومتقدمهم . له منزلة عظيمة ، كثير الحديث ... له من الكتب كتاب الأنوار في تاريخ الأئمة عليهم السلام ... ومات أبو علي بن همام يوم الخميس لاحدى عشرة ليلة بقيت من جمادى الآخرة ، سنة ست وثلاثين وثلاثمائة .

-Rejal Al-Najashi p 379, 380, Chapter Al-Meim, translated by: Muhammad Ben Abi Bakr Hemam Ben Soheil Al-Kateb Al-Eskafi No 1032

Najashi states that

Mohammad Ibn Abi Bakr Homam Ibn Sohayl is one of the Shiite most distinguished figures and pious men as well as he enjoyed an eminent and honorable standing and he knew numerous narrations and he has written a book called as Al-Anvar pertaining to the history of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and he passed away of Thursday 21 of Jamadi Al-Thani in the year 336 Hejrah





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