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The view of Sunny elders about “Imam Hadi’s [AS] prestige.
ID: 381 Publish Date: 18 June 2016 - 15:18 Count Views: 2839
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The view of Sunny elders about “Imam Hadi’s [AS] prestige.


One of favors that god did to me was to help me  writing “ Imam Hadi’s [AS]  encyclopedia” in four  volumes. With referring to “ Vali asr institute” website  you ‘ll see all “Imam hadi’s narratives, narratives from Shiite Imam [AS] prior and after “Imam Hadi “ about him, and as well as the views of  Shiite  and Sunny about “ Imam hadi” [AS] .

The summery  of “Imam Hadi’s  [AS] life .

“Imam Hadi” [AS] was born on the day of half of Dhu al-Hijjah in the year 212 Hejira, about ten years after “Imam Reza’s [PBUH]martyrdom. And became Imam [leader]in the year 250 Hejira, after his father got martyred by “Ma 'mun” and his daughter “ Om fazl”. at that time he had eight years old or according to some of quotations he had six years old and like his father he accepted the responsibility of leadership in childhood. His mother was “Samaneh” who was devout and pious and was known as a virtuous and religious lady.

The pride of his leadership was about 33 years, more than other Shiite imam [AS] even more than Commander of faithful [AS]. during this time he was contemporaneous with “Mu 'tassim Abbasi " Alvaseq of God "," Mutawakkil Abbasi "," Montasser, "" Musta 'in "and" Mutaz”

The view of Sunny elders  about “Imam Hadi’s [AS] prestige. 

The view of "Shamsal-din zahabi” Nicknamed Alhadi sharif jalil : “Imam hadi” was dignified and with grandeur.

Seir al-aelam al-nabalae ; vol. 13, p. 121, Publishing House: Institute Al resalah - Beirut - 1413, seventh edition ,Researchers: Al arnavut Shoaib, Mohammad Naeem Al arqasusy

وکان فقیها إماما متعبدا

he was Faqih [expert in fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence] , leader, prayerful

al-abar fi khabr me qair , vol. 2, p. 12, Publishing House: Mtbh Government of Kuwait - Kuwait - 1984,second edition R: d. Salah al din al munjed .

the view of “ Ibn kathir dameshqi” about “Imam hadi” [AS].

«وقد کان عابدا زاهدا  وهو علی التراب لیس دونه حائل

He was devout and pious. and sat in the corner of the room on the soil saying prayer.

Al bedayeh and al nahayeh, author’s name: Ismail ibn Umar ibn Kathir al-Qurashi Abu Al feda publishing House: maktab al maref- Beirut, vol. 11, p 19

The view of “ Ibn sabagh maleki”

فما تعدّ منقبة إلاّ وإلیه نحیلها ولا تذکر کریمة إلاّ وله فضیلتها، ولا تورد محمّدة إلاّ وله تفضیلها و جملتها

“ Imam hadi’s [AS] Virtues have been drawn till the stars, anywhere that praise is said, its root returns to “Imam Hadi” [AS] . If someone talks about generosity and forgiveness their highest level is “Imam Hadi” [AS] when it comes to self-purification and outstanding ethics, “Imam hadi’s pure spirit has the highest level of self-purification and outstanding ethics.

Important seasons in knowing Shiite imam [as] Ali ibn Mohammed Ahmed al maleki(Ibn Sabbagh), vol. 2, p. 1074

The view of “ Ibn hajar heithami”

  «وکان وارث أبیه علما و سخاء

He’s the heir of his father’s science and generosity

Al savaq Al muhraqh, vol. 2, p. 598, Publishing House: Institute of Al resalah - Lebanon - 1417 AH – first edition R: Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah Al-Turki

The view of “Shiravi” about “ Imam Hadi” [AS]

و کراماته کثیره

“Imam hadi“ [AS] has many  keramah” [ something like miracle but it’s not called miracle because miracle is for the Prophets]

Al ethaf behub al ashraf, Page 136

The view of “ kheir al din zarkuli”

و احد الاتقیاء الصلحا

“Imam Hadi “ has been among believers and righteous guys of his own age.

Al aelam, vol. 4, p. 323, publisher: Dar al-elm al malayen, fifth edition

 Why did commander of faithful not demand his due after Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]?

Abu hanife” said to “ Mu,men Al taq”: if Commander of faithful [AS] was the right Imam so

Why didn’t he demand his due after Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]?

خاف أن یقتله الجن

“ Mu,men Al taq” said: Commander of faithful was afraid that jinn will kill him after demanding his leadership

کما قتلوا سعد بن عبادة بسهم المغیرة بن شعبة

As they killed “ Saed ibn ebadeh ansary” by arrow that was shot from “ Mughayreh ibn shubah’s arch.

Al ahtejaj – al shykh Al tabresy, vol. 2, p. 148

Commander of faithful and reasoning his Emamat [ leadership] and caliphate , at the time of “Abubakr”!

What is written in Sunny and Shiite resources is this that even at the time of “Abubakr’s caliphate Commander of faithful discussed the matter of his Emamat and caliphate.

فوالله یا معشر المهاجرین لنحن أحق الناس به لأنا أهل البیت ونحن أحق بهذا الأمر منکم ما کان فینا القاریء لکتاب الله الفقیه فی دین الله العالم بسنن رسول الله المضطلع بأمر الرعیة المدافع عنهم الأمور السیئة القاسم بینهم بالسویة والله إنه لفینا فلا تتبعوا الهوی فتضلوا عن سبیل الله فتزدادوا من الحق بعداً.

Swear to god, Oh migrants ,we’re the most qualified people to the Prophet [PBUH] and caliphate, we’re Prophet’s Ahlul Bayt [descendent] , we’re qualified more than you, we’re the interpreters of god’s book , we’re faqih [an expert in fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence] in god’s religion, we know Prophet’s  [PBUH] tradition , we’re expert in running country, we protect citizens against abominations , we divide public treasury among nation fairly, don’t fallow you passion , don’t deviate from the path of god and don’t stay away of truth.

فقال بشیر بن سعد الأنصاری لو کان هذا الکلام سمعته الأنصار منک یا علی قبل بیعتها لأبی بکر ما اختلف علیک اثنان

“Bashir ibn Ansari” said: Oh, Ali [AS] if you had said what you said now before we swear “Abubakr” an allegiance, even two persons would have never differed about you and all would have sworn you an allegiance.

یا بنت رسول الله قد مضت بیعتنا لهذا الرجل ولو أن زوجک وابن عمک سبق إلینا قبل أبی بکر ما عدلنا به

Oh, Prophet’s [PBUH] daughter, we swore “Abubakr” an allegiance if your spouse and your cousin had told us such things prior “Abubakr” we would never leave him to go to another person.

فیقول علی کرم الله وجهه أفکنت أدع رسول الله فی بیته لم أدفنه وأخرج أنازع الناس سلطانه

Commander of faithful [AS] said: you expected me to leave Prophet’s body at home to discuss the matter of caliphate

فقالت فاطمة ما صنع أبو الحسن إلا ما کان ینبغی له ولقد صنعوا ما لله حسیبهم وطالبهم

“Hazrat Fatima” [AS] said: Commander of faithful did what was true and those who didn’t fallow him will be punished by god on the day of resurrection.

Emamh and policy, author’s name: Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Muslim ibn Qatybeh, published bydar al kotub al elmiyeh- Beirut - 1418 – 1997 m., R: Khalil al-Mansur, vol. 1, p. 15-16

Commander of faithful’s relying on “Ghadir’s narrative “, in Sunny resources.

عن علی أن النبی قام بحفرة الشجرة بخم وهو آخذ بید علی فقال

It’s been quoted from Ali [AS] that Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] held my hand in a region called “Ghadir” and said:

أیها الناس ألستم تشهدون أن الله ربکم قالوا بلی قال ألستم تشهدون أن الله ورسوله أولی بکم من أنفسکم قالوا بلی وإن الله ورسوله مولاکم قالوا بلی قال فمن کنت مولاه فإن هذا مولاه

Oh, people, don’t you testify that Allah is your god? They said: yes we do. then he said: don’t you testify that the guardianship of god and his Prophet on you is more than your own , they said: yes we do. Don’t you testify that god and his Prophet are your guardians, they said : yes we do , Prophet [PBUH]said :if I’m your guardian, after me Ali [AS] is your guardian.

Al-Sunnah, author’s name: Amr ibn Abi Asim Al zahak Al-sheibanipublished by: amaktab Islami - Beirut - 1400, first edition, researcher: Mohammad Nasir al-Din Alalbany, vol. 2, p. 605,

The details of this program’s issues


In the name of god the beneficent the merciful

Greeting and respect to you, dear and venerable viewers of “ velayat” global channel. We express our condolences on the occasion of “ Imam Hadi’s martyrdom anniversary.

“ Imam Hdi “ whom his innocence has become clearer over the last decades and you saw that he was insulted constantly by his foes , it shows his effectiveness on Shiite sect and foes are afraid of this influence.  Tonight, We present the program “ Habl Al-matin” to our dear viewers and god willing, we’ll use of the talks of dear expert “  Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Qazvini “

On behalf of you all, I express  greetings and condolence to him , hello.

Ayatollah doctor Hosseini Qazvini

Hello, I express my sincerest greetings and condolence to all dears and honorable viewers in any place of this world. thank you for watching us. I swear  god to this honorable “ Imam” to hasten the appearance of “ Imam Mahdi” [PBUH] and make us the particular companions of him, give us good in both this and the day to come and save us from the evil of this world and hereafter and grant our prayers , god willing.


Thank you dear master , tonight we’d like to bless our program with the name of “ Imam Hadi” [AS] and hear about him and then, if we have enough time, we’ll continue the discussions of past meetings of “ Habl Al matin” as question and response.

Master, they are some Shiite Imam [AS] that people have enough information about them like: “ Imam Ali [AS], Imam hasan and Imam Hussein [AS] , but some Shiite Imam like : Imam Hadi [AS] are oppressed in this regard. Tonight which is the night of his martyrdom, We’d like you to tell us about his birth, martyrdom and his contemporaneous caliphs.

Ayatollah doctor Hosseini Qazvini

اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم و به نستعین و هو خیر ناصر و معین الحمد الله و الصلوة علی رسول الله و علی آله آل الله لا سیما علی مولانا بقیة الله و اللعن الدائم علی اعدائهم اعداء الله الی یوم لقاء الله افوض امری الی الله ان الله بصیر بالعباد حسبنا الله و نعم الوکیل نعم المولی و نعم النصیر.

As you said, some of honorable Shiite imam [AS] like “ Imam Hadi “ [AS] are fairly oppressed , and don’t have enough information about them.

One of favors that god did me was helping me to wright “ Imam Hadi’s encyclopedia in four volumes. if you refer to “ Vali asr “ website you can see “ Imam Askari’s [AS] encyclopedia which is written in six volumes as well as “ Imam Hadi’s [AS] encyclopedia. And we’ve written all “ Imam Hadi’s narratives, narratives about him from Shiite Imam [AS] before and after “Imam Hadi” [AS] as well as the views of Shiite and Sunny elders about him. All of them are available on the web site.

We’ve written biography of “ Imam Hadi” comprehensively as well his leadership, we’ve written the reasons which are in Sunny and Shiite books, the number of his spouses , daughters, sons, maids and his companions , as well as the way that he’d behave his spouses , the way of his children’s upbringing, his behavior towards his neighbors, friends and enemies, all of them are reasoned and documented.

Then we’ve cited “ Imam Hadi’s narratives and categorized narratives about religious, Emamat [leadership], religious percepts from cleanliness Blood money to as well as his narratives in interpreting Holy Quran from sura al-Fatiha to Nas [name of sura]

In fact these things are tiny effort in serving “ Imam Hadi”.

Those who like to translate books can do this in their own name and any publisher can publish both Arabic text and its translation. Another favor that god has done toward me is this that so far , more than 60 volumes of my compilations have been published and its publishing is free for public and there is no compilation right for the books that I complied them. we’ve written in the index of many of books that: printing is open to public. I invite those who are good translators to translate these books from Persian to English. Of course text is Arabic , we have god translators in university and seminary school who translate these books to donate them to the libraries.

We’ve published one thousand volumes of these books and donated them to some libraries, seminary schools and prominent figures. “ Wahhabies” print forty to fifty thousand volumes of their books and give them to the libraries across the world.

When I was in America. I went to U.S.A congress library. I saw that books published in Saudi Arabia one month ago have been donated to the library, but unfortunately, they were only two or three books of each Shiite elders like: “Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, “Ayatollah Sobhani “ over there

Dears who are rich and god has given them wealth blessing, should know that they will be questioned about their wealth. Using of their wealth they can take step for spreading “Ahlul Bayt’s culture. [this is one of ways that they can be thankful to god for giving such wealth to them]

Perhaps, someone who is spending time at a library in America or Europe, reads a book about “Imam Hadi” and “ Imam Askari” [AS] and it makes him to realize many of facts and survives from aberration. And there will be spiritual reward for the author, translator, those who paid for printing and anyone who tries to give these books to people. [it will be written in their deeds file]

Another point is this that it’s not necessary that we have too much money to help publishing book about Shiite Imam [AS], but everyone can help as much as he can. And if some wants help in this regard, please call “ vellayat yavaran”  department separately and say that this amount of money is for publishing “ Imam Hadi’s [AS] encyclopedia. I said it for those who want spend money for Shiite Imam but don’t know how to do so.

وَ ما عَلَینا إِلاَّ الْبَلاغُ الْمُبینُ

And it is only to us to deliver a clear message

Sura Yasin ( 36 ) : Verse 17


It’s the night of martyrdom and if someone wants can do this tonight, god willing.

Summery of “ Imam Hadi’s [AS] life


During his leadership he was contemporaneous with these six “ Abbasid caliphs”, "Mu 'tassim Abbasid", "Alvaseq bel,lah", "Mutawakkil Abbasid", "Montasser," "Musta 'in" and "Mutaz" 

“ from late “Tabarsi”  v 2 , p 109.     أعلام الوری For more information refer to the book:  

In the year 234 Hejira “ Imam Hadi [AS] went to “Samara” from “ Medina”. in fact "Mutawakkiln Abbasid" who was a tyrant ruler and his crimes are exceptional during the history , the same guy who ordered “ Imam Hussain’s [AS] Holy grave to be cultivated, but when cows reached to the holy grave, didn’t move forward, he wanted to inundate but couldn’t do so. Any way he scared people to go to “Imam Hadi “[AS] and put up revolution in “Medina”, summoned “ Imama Hadi” and settled him in a military area. In another word “Imam Hadi” [AS] was both prisoner and military prisoner and after him “ Imam Askari” [AS] was prisoned similarly. He lived in “Samarra” province in the Holy basement and after him it was “Imam Askari’s residence and “Imam Mahdi” [PBUH] began his minor occultation in this place [Holy basement].

He was martyred in 254 Hejira on the third day of moth of Rajab. You can refer to the book “Manaqeb” written by “Ibn Shahr Ashob” v 4, p 401. He’s explained about “Imam Hadi’s martyrdom in detailed. He was buried in his own home, means the same place that we go to pilgrimage both “Imam Hadi” [AS] and “Imam Askari” [AS]. This place was his residence. it means they didn’t even let his body to be taken out till his companions attend his funeral procession. Because “ Imam Kazem’s funeral procession scared “Abbasid Dynasty” a lot. That’s why “Imam Javad” [AS],”Imam Hadi” [AS] and “Imam Askari” [AS] were buried at home.


Thank you very much, dear master, some of our dear viewers are Sunni. Please tell us about the views of Sunny elders about “Imam Hadi” [AS].

The views Sunny elders about “Imam Hadi’s personality.

Ayatollah Hosseini Qazvini :

I’ll talk about it in short because if I want to express in detailed it’ll take two or three sessions. If some like, can refer to “ Imam Hadi’s encyclopedia we’ve written  all Sunni elders’ remarks about “Imam Hadi” [AS] in there

The view of “Shams al din Zahabi”

He died in 748 Hejira. He‘s among Sunni’s scientific pillars. In his book he brings the name of all Shiite Imam [AS], when he reaches to “Imam Hadi’s [AS] name, says:

الملقب بالهادی شریف جلیل

He was dignified and with glory.

Seir al alam al nabala ; vol. 13, p. 121, Publishing House: Institute Al resalah - Beirut - 1413, ninth edition, Researchers: Al arnavut Shoaib, Mohammad Naeem Al artusi                    

We must be thankful that “ Zahabi” with such reputation says such words about “ Imam hadi” [AS]         

In his another book he discusses comprehensively and writes : “Imam Hadi” [AS] had 40 years old when he was martyred :

«وکان فقیها إماما متعبدا»

He was Faqih [ expert in fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence] and worshiper.  

Al abr fi al khabar , vol. 2, p. 12, Publisher: press of Government of Kuwait - Kuwait – 1984secon edition , R: d. Salah al din  al monjed

That’s very interesting . He was Faqih, leader, worshiper. If our Sunni friends let , I want to have a small complaint , if he were leader , Faqih and was contemporary with “ Buqari” and “ muslem” so why did they not quote a narrative from “Imam Hadi” [AS]?

“ Ibn Kathir’s opinion

He was “Ibn Teymiyeh Harani’s disciple” he says  in his book that “Imam Hadi” [AS] is one of Shiite’s imams. he has even this expression :

وقد کان عابدا زاهدا

He was pious and Ascetic

Then he says :” Mutawakkil  Abbasid” wrote a letter that “Imam Hadi” [AS] has collected weapon and wants to put up revolution. He ordered to arrest him. They went to “Imam Hadi’s house, without knocking and warning, jumped to the house and saw him worshiping

وهو علی التراب لیس دونه حائل

He’s sitting in corner of the room worshiping.

Al bedayahand al nahayah , author’s name: Ismail ibn Umar ibn Kathir al-Qurashi Abu Alfda’ published bymaktab al maref - Beirut, vol. 11, p. 19

They arrested “ Imam Hadi” [PBUH] when he was at home and took him to “Mutawakkil Abbasi” while he had worn home clothing.

The view of “ Ibn Sabagh Maleki”

He died in 855 Hejira. He was almost contemporary with “Ibn Hajar Asghalani” and “Bad al din eini”. He writes in his book about “ Imam Hadi” [AS]:

«فما تعدّ منقبة إلاّ وإلیه نحیلها ولا تذکر کریمة إلاّ وله فضیلتها، ولا تورد محمّدة إلاّ وله تفضیلها و جملتها»

His virtues have been drawn till stars. When a praise is said its root returns to “Imam Hadi” [AS]. If someone talks about generosity, forgiveness its highest level is “Imam Hadi” [AS]. And when it comes to self-purification and outstanding ethics, in all these things the pure spirit of “Imam Hadi” [AS] has the highest level of purification and outstanding ethics.

Important sessions in knowing Shiite imam- Ali ibn Mohammad Ahmad al maleki (Ibn Sabbagh), vol. 2, p. 1074

The view of “Ibn Hjar Heithami”

«وکان وارث أبیه علما و سخاء»

He’s the heir of his father’s knowledge and generosity.

Al savaq Al mohraqah, vol. 2, p. 598, Publishing House: Institute Al resalah - Lebanon - 1417 AH – 1997 first edition R: Abdul Rahman ibn Abdullah Al-Turki

“Sirvani’s view:

He writes in his book:

«و کراماته کثیره»

He has many “ Keramat” [ something like miracle but not miracle because it’s special for prophets [PBUH]

Al etehaf be hub al ashraf, Page 136

The view of “Qayr al din Zarkuly”:

He’s the reviver of the legacy of “Wahhabism” he says about “Imam Hadi”: he’s one of Shiite Imam [AS]. He writes :

«و احد الاتقیاء الصلحا»

He’s among believers and righteous people of his age.

Al alam, vol. 4, p. 323, publisher: Dar al-elm al malabin, fifth edition.

It was the summery of Sunni elders’ opinions about “Imam Hadi” [AS]


Those who follow “Ayatollah Qazvini’s programs know that that last week we answered some questions and doubts that Zionist Wahhabi channels had discussed about this that “Commander of faithful” [AS] didn’t talk about his own leadership. Ayatollah Qazvini” told us a narrative from “Ahmad ibn Handbal” that Commander of faithful [AS] talked about his own caliphate and guardianship when Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] was alive.

Commander of faithful’s position about his own caliphate.

Tonight’s question: did Commander of faithful [AS] talk about his own caliphate when “Abubakr” was caliph?

Ayatollah Hosseini Qazvini :

in Wahhabi evil Zionist Wahhabi channels specially “ farzand kalkarab” with their offensive speaking manner, anyway, every body has gotten something from god, evil has gotten “misleading” and they have gotten “revilement”, he insults and curses and says: I say the truth, Shiite scholars and source of emulations are thieves. We have many narratives in Sunni famous books about Commander of faithful’s leadership [Emamat] with this title:

 علیٌ ولی کلّ مؤمن بعدی»، «علیٌ خلیفتی فی کل مؤمن بعدی»، «علی امام کل مؤمن و مؤمنة”, امام کل تقی

We’ve written all of them from Sunni resources with valid document, but he just insults. This what he can do.

Another point is this that he said: why did Commander of faithful not reason the narrative of “Ghadir”? well, we said issues that show that Commander of faithful [AS] discussed the matter of “Ghadir” comprehensively. He “kal karab” said: this issue is not acceptable, why didn’t he reason the narrative of “Ghadir” at the time of “Abubakr” and “Omar”. I want to say a point and I apologize from Sunni in advance. I ask them to ignore what I want to say. I say to respond “Kal karab’s nonsense talks.

“ Abu Hanifeh” asked “Mumen al taq”: you say that Ali [AS] is the Prophet’s successor [Prophet [AS] appointed him as his successor] so why didn’t he say that I’m the real caliph at the time of “Abubakr’s caliphate?!

وقال له یوم آخر: لم لم یطالب علی بن أبی طالب بحقه بعد وفاة رسول الله إن کان له حق؟

“ written by “Tabarsi” one of sixth-century scholars:الاحتجاجthis text is from the book ”

خاف أن یقتله الجن .کما قتلوا سعد بن عبادة بسهم المغیرة بن شعبةوفی روایة بسهم خالد بن الولید.

He scared to be killed by jinn if he demands his leadership [Emamat]. Like “Sa 'ad Ibn Ebadah” that jinn killed him by arrow using of “Mughayra ibn Shubah’s arch.    

Al ehtejaj- Sheikh Tabarsi, v 2, p. 148

Was “Sa 'ad Ibn Ebadah” killed by jinn?!!

“Belazery” says In his book:

وکان نقیبا، سیدا، جوادا ومات بحوران فجأة لسنة مضت من خلافة عمر

He died in “Huran” all of sudden at the time of “Omar’s caliphate.

ویقال إنه امتنع من البیعة لأبی بکر

And didn’t swear allegiance to “Abu Bakr”

فوجّه إلیه رجلا لیأخذ علیه البیعة وهو بحوران من أرض الشأم

They sent someone to “Huran” region to kill him.

Then he says in the page 589, first volume, that he didn’t swear allegiance to “Abu Bakr” and went to the “Shaam” city.

Then he says: My dear friend , we don’t make remark about this issue and it’s what “Belazery” has said: second caliph sent someone to “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh” and ordered him to swear allegiance and if he denies ,kill him, “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh” said I’ll never do so, he said I’ll kill you, Sa 'd “ answered if you do so you will be out of Islamic nation and then:

فرماه فقتله

He killed him by arrow.

Then he says in the page 589:

وروی أن سعدا رمی فی حمام. وقیل: کان جالسا یبول، فرمته الجن فقتلته

One day he was in the bathroom, jinn shot arrow and killed “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh”

Then one of jinn said a poem:

قتلنا سید الخزرج سعد بن عباده

We shot two arrows and killed “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh”

Ansab al ashraf- Ahmad bin Yahya bin Jaber (Albelazery), vol. 1, p. 250 and 589

So, it had become a proverb, when they wanted to kill someone they would say that jinn has killed him. That why “ Mumen Tagh” says: Commander of faithful [AS] didn’t demand his caliphate because he was afraid that jinn kills him

 «خاف أن یقتله الجن»

Currently I don’t want to talk about it but” Aisha, Mother of the Believers” mentions that there was suffocating environment after Prophet’s [PBUH] death: 

«لقد خَوَّفَ عُمَرُ الناس وَ إِنَّ فِیهِمْ لَنِفَاقًا»

“Omar” scared people they was hypocrite among people  

Al Jamea Al sahyh Al mUkhtasar, outhor’s name: Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Isma 'il al-Bukhari, published by: Dar Ibn Kathir, Al yamamah - Beirut - 1407 - 1987, third edition: R: d. Mustafa Dib Al bagha, vol. 3, p. 1341, H. 3467

And even caliph drew his sword and said: anyone says that Prophet [PBUH] is dead I’ll cut his head. 

And they said to Commander of faithful [AS]:

« أردت أن تشقّ عصا المسلمين؟!»

Do you want to ruin Muslim community’s order?

Sunan Al-Kubra Al ebyhqy, outhor’s name: Ahmed ibn Al-Hussein ibn Ali Bin Musa Abu Bakr Al beyhaqy,published by: maktab dar al baz-, researcher:Mohammed Abdul Qader v,8 Page 143.

by saying such thing to Ali [AS] they warned him that if you stay away of us we’ll kill you.

Commander of faithful, and reasoning his caliphate and leadership “ Emamat”, at the time of “Abubakr”

What is written in Sunny and Shiite resources is this that Commander of faithful [AS] discussed his caliph and Emamat at the time of “Abu bakr”. 

In the book” leadership and policy” written by “Ibn qatibeh dinvari” [ they keep saying: it’s

Not His book], researcher “Ali shiri” who is among Sunni famous researchers has discussed this matter in the preface of  this book comprehensively.  

He says: until eighth and ninth centuries everybody would say that this book “ leadership and policy” belongs to “Ibn qatibeh”. Then they doubted in the ninth that it might not his.

“Abu bak ibn arabi” who is among “Wahhabism” pillars says decisively, that “ Ibn qatibeh” has written this issue in his book “leadership and policy”, thia what “Ibn qaldun” has said too.

About twenty Sunni elders have quoted different things from the book “ leadership and policy” and not of them said that this book is fake and isn’t his.

He says in the first volume, searched by “Ali Shiri” who has B.S in Islamic history: several days after Prophet’s [PBUH] death, Commander of faithful [AS] said in the masque:

فوالله یا معشر المهاجرین لنحن أحق الناس به لأنا أهل البیت ونحن أحق بهذا الأمر منکم ما کان فینا القاریء لکتاب الله الفقیه فی دین الله العالم بسنن رسول الله المضطلع بأمر الرعیة المدافع عنهم الأمور السیئة القاسم بینهم بالسویة والله إنه لفینا فلا تتبعوا الهوی فتضلوا عن سبیل الله فتزدادوا من الحق بعداً

Swear to god, O, migrants we’re the most qualified people for caliphate, we’re Prophet’s “Ahl Al-bayt”, we’re qualified more than you and we’re interpreter of god’s book, we’re Faqih in god’s religion, we’re aware of Prophet’s [PBUH] tradition, we’re expert in running country, we defend people against bad and nasty deeds, we distribute public treasury among people fairly, don’t follow your passion and don’t deviate from the right path.

«فقال بشیر بن سعد الأنصاری لو کان هذا الکلام سمعته الأنصار منک یا علی قبل بیعتها لأبی بکر ما اختلف علیک اثنان»

 Bashir ibn Saa,d” said: if you had said such things before we swear allegiance to “Abubakr”  even to guys would have never differed about you and all would’ve sworn allegiance to you.   

Commander of faithful [AS] and Fatima [AS] would go to companions’ house demanding them to help Ali [AS] saying: Ali [AS] is the right caliph and defend his due. They would say:

یا بنت رسول الله قد مضت بیعتنا لهذا الرجل ولو أن زوجک وابن عمک سبق إلینا قبل أبی بکر ما عدلنا به

O, Prophet’s daughter, We swore allegiance to “Abubakr” if your spouse had told us such things earlier, we would have never left him going to “Abubakr”

فیقول علی کرم الله وجهه أفکنت أدع رسول الله فی بیته لم أدفنه وأخرج أنازع الناس سلطانه

Commander of faithful said: you expected me to leave Prophet’s body at home coming to you discussing about caliphate.

فقالت فاطمة ما صنع أبو الحسن إلا ما کان ینبغی له ولقد صنعوا ما لله حسیبهم وطالبهم

Fatima [AS] said: Commander of faithful [AS] did what was true. And those who did against it will be punished by god on the day of resurrection. 

Leadership and policy, author’s name: Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Muslim ibn Qatybeh, published by: da al kotub al elmiyah- Beirut - 1418 H- 1997 m., R: Khalil al-Mansur, vol. 1, p. 15-16   

 أعلام النساءand “ Omar Reza” who is among Sunni famous  scholars writes in his book  

Vol 4, p 114:   

After they swore allegiance to “Abubakr” ,“Ali” and “Fatima” [AS] would go to companions’ circling and would ask them to help Ali [AS] to get his due. He has talked in his book about this issue comprehensively. 

And this is “Omar Reza Kehalah’s memoir:     

کان عالما موسوعیا فقد دل قرابة ثلاثة عقود من الزمن مدیرا لدار الکتب الظاهریة بدمشق

As well as he quote from “ Arnaout”:      

«عالم فاضل موسوعی أحد المقتلین من التألیف»

أعلام النساء فی عالمی العرب و الإسلامHe has many compositions that one of them is ”

And he among well-known figures. This is from Sunni recourses and some other recourses that I’ll say later on.   

And there is an issue in Shiite recourses that I’ll say in short, not to waste viewers’ time. Those who like to realize if Commander of faithful [AS] discussed the matter of his caliphate after Prophet’s death or not, shall refer to the book “Kafi” 

They would burn Prophet’s narratives, and prohibited the quotation of Prophet’s [AS] narratives, they would beat companions up for quoting Prophet’s narratives, then you expect to have access to Commander of faithful’s argument to the narrative of “Ghadir”. Such issues are in our books as well as your books. Dears refer to the book “Kafi” v 8, P 348, narrative number 541:   

قال سلمان رضی الله عنه: فأتیت علیا (علیه السلام) وهو یغسل رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله{

“Salman Farsi” said: I went to Ali [AS] he was washing [performing ablution] Prophet’s [PBUH] body.    

فأخبرته بما صنع الناس وقلت: إن أبا بکر الساعة علی منبر رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله) والله ما یرضی أن یبایعوه بید واحدة إنهم لیبایعونه بیدیه

I told him about what people did that “Abubakr” is standing on the Prophet’s pulpit and people are swearing allegiance to him. It’s a long narrative, then Commander of faithful [AS] said:

 شهدوا نصب رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله) إیای للناس بغدیر خم بأمر الله عزوجل

People were witness that Prophet [AS] appointed me as his successor in “Ghadi” following divine’s order.        

فأخبرهم أنی أولی بهم من أنفسهم وأمرهم أن یبلغ الشاهد الغائب قد أعلموا إمامهم ومفزعهم بعد نبیهم ترکوا أمر الله عز وجل وطاعته وما أمرهم به رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله{

And said to people that my guardianship on people is more than their guardianship on their own. And ordered people to aware absents. and Prophet [PBUH] announced and people understood that I’m their leader and shelter after Prophet [PBUH]. But they denied divine’s order, obeying god and what Prophet [PBUH] had ordered them.

Al-Kafi - Sheikh Al kuleiny, vol. 8, p. 343-344   

There is not more clear issue that it. The book “Mu 'jam Al rejal” written by mister ”Khoei” is from the first narrative “Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem” that “Najashi” says about him:

«ثبت معتمد صحیح المذهب ثقة فی الحدیث»

And second narrator is “Ibrahim ibn Hashem” that mister “Khoei” writes about him  

«لا ینبغی الشک فی وثاقة إبراهیم بن هاشم»

There is no doubt that he is reliable. 

Mujam Al rejal Al hadith- Al Sayyed Al Khoei. V 1 , p 291  

Second person is “Hemad ibn issa”. “Najashi” sais about him in the book “Mu 'jam Al rejal” written by mister “Khoei” v 7:

«وکان ثقة فی حدیثه، صدوقا»

Mujam Al rejal Al hadith- Al Sayyed Al Khoei. V 7 , p 236 

My dear friend , we don’t make remark about this issue and it’s what “Belazery” has said: second caliph sent someone to “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh” and ordered him to swear allegiance and if he denies ,kill him, “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh” said I’ll never do so, he said I’ll kill you, Sa 'd “ answered if you do so you will be out of Islamic nation and then:

فرماه فقتله

He killed him by arrow.

Then he says in the page 589:

وروی أن سعدا رمی فی حمام. وقیل: کان جالسا یبول، فرمته الجن فقتلته

One day he was in the bathroom, jinn shot arrow and killed “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh”

Then one of jinn said a poem:

قتلنا سید الخزرج سعد بن عباده

We shot two arrows and killed “Sa 'd ibn ebadeh”

Ansab al ashraf- Ahmad bin Yahya bin Jaber (Albelazery), vol. 1, p. 250 and 589

So, it had become a proverb, when they wanted to kill someone they would say that jinn has killed him. That why “ Mumen Tagh” says: Commander of faithful [AS] didn’t demand his caliphate because he was afraid that jinn kills him

 «خاف أن یقتله الجن»

Currently I don’t want to talk about it but” Aisha, Mother of the Believers” mentions that there was suffocating environment after Prophet’s [PBUH] death:

«لقد خَوَّفَ عُمَرُ الناس وَ إِنَّ فِیهِمْ لَنِفَاقًا»

“Omar” scared people they was hypocrite among people

Al Jamea Al sahyh Al mUkhtasar, outhor’s name: Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Isma 'il al-Bukhari, published by: Dar Ibn Kathir, Al yamamah - Beirut - 1407 - 1987, third edition: R: d. Mustafa Dib Al bagha, vol. 3, p. 1341, H. 3467

And even caliph drew his sword and said: anyone says that Prophet [PBUH] is dead I’ll cut his head.

And they said to Commander of faithful [AS]:

« أردت أن تشقّ عصا المسلمين؟!»

Do you want to ruin Muslim community’s order?

Sunan Al-Kubra Al ebyhqy, outhor’s name: Ahmed ibn Al-Hussein ibn Ali Bin Musa Abu Bakr Al beyhaqy,published by: maktab dar al baz-, researcher:Mohammed Abdul Qader v,8 Page 143.

by saying such thing to Ali [AS] they warned him that if you stay away of us we’ll kill you.

Commander of faithful, and reasoning his caliphate and leadership “ Emamat”, at the time of “Abubakr”

What is written in Sunny and Shiite resources is this that Commander of faithful [AS] discussed his caliph and Emamat at the time of “Abu bakr” .

In the book” leadership and policy” written by “Ibn qatibeh dinvari” [ they keep saying: it’s

Not His book], researcher “Ali shiri” who is among Sunni famous researchers has discussed this matter in the preface of  this book comprehensively.

He says: until eighth and ninth centuries everybody would say that this book “ leadership and policy” belongs to “Ibn qatibeh”. Then they doubted in the ninth that it might not his.

“Abu bak ibn arabi” who is among “Wahhabism” pillars says decisively, that “ Ibn qatibeh” has written this issue in his book “leadership and policy”, thia what “Ibn qaldun” has said too .

About twenty Sunni elders have quoted different things from the book “ leadership and policy” and not of them said that this book is fake and isn’t his.

He says in the first volume, searched by “Ali Shiri” who has B.S in Islamic history: several days after Prophet’s [PBUH] death, Commander of faithful [AS] said in the masque:

فوالله یا معشر المهاجرین لنحن أحق الناس به لأنا أهل البیت ونحن أحق بهذا الأمر منکم ما کان فینا القاریء لکتاب الله الفقیه فی دین الله العالم بسنن رسول الله المضطلع بأمر الرعیة المدافع عنهم الأمور السیئة القاسم بینهم بالسویة والله إنه لفینا فلا تتبعوا الهوی فتضلوا عن سبیل الله فتزدادوا من الحق بعداً

Swear to god, O, migrants we’re the most qualified people for caliphate, we’re Prophet’s “Ahl Al-bayt”, we’re qualified more than you and we’re interpreter of god’s book, we’re Faqih in god’s religion, we’re aware of Prophet’s [PBUH] tradition, we’re expert in running country, we defend people against bad and nasty deeds, we distribute public treasury among people fairly, don’t follow your passion and don’t deviate from the right path.

«فقال بشیر بن سعد الأنصاری لو کان هذا الکلام سمعته الأنصار منک یا علی قبل بیعتها لأبی بکر ما اختلف علیک اثنان»

 Bashir ibn Sa 'ad” said: if you had said such things before we swear allegiance to “Abubakr”  even to guys would have never differed about you and all would’ve sworn allegiance to you.    Commander of faithful [AS] and Fatima [AS] would go to companions’ house demanding them to help Ali [AS] saying: Ali [AS] is the right caliph and defend his due. They would say:

یا بنت رسول الله قد مضت بیعتنا لهذا الرجل ولو أن زوجک وابن عمک سبق إلینا قبل أبی بکر ما عدلنا به

O, Prophet’s daughter, We swore allegiance to “Abubakr” if your spouse had told us such things earlier, we would have never left him going to “Abubakr”

فیقول علی کرم الله وجهه أفکنت أدع رسول الله فی بیته لم أدفنه وأخرج أنازع الناس سلطانه

Commander of faithful said: you expected me to leave Prophet’s body at home coming to you discussing about caliphate.

فقالت فاطمة ما صنع أبو الحسن إلا ما کان ینبغی له ولقد صنعوا ما لله حسیبهم وطالبهم

Fatima [AS] said: Commander of faithful [AS] did what was true. And those who did against it will be punished by god on the day of resurrection.

Leadership and policy, author’s name: Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Muslim ibn Qatybeh, published by: da al kotub al elmiyah- Beirut - 1418 H- 1997 m., R: Khalil al-Mansur, vol. 1, p. 15-16

 أعلام النساءand “ Omar Reza” who is among Sunni famous  scholars writes in his book  

Vol 4, p 114:

After they swore allegiance to “Abubakr” ,“Ali” and “Fatima” [AS] would go to companions’ circling and would ask them to help Ali [AS] to get his due. He has talked in his book about this issue comprehensively.

And this is “Omar Reza Kehalah’s memoir:

کان عالما موسوعیا فقد دل قرابة ثلاثة عقود من الزمن مدیرا لدار الکتب الظاهریة بدمشق

As well as he quote from “ Arnaout”: 

«عالم فاضل موسوعی أحد المقتلین من التألیف»

أعلام النساء فی عالمی العرب و الإسلامHe has many compositions that one of them is ”

And he among well-known figures. This is from Sunni recourses and some other recourses that I’ll say later on.

And there is an issue in Shiite recourses that I’ll say in short, not to waste viewers’ time. Those who like to realize if Commander of faithful [AS] discussed the matter of his caliphate after Prophet’s death or not, shall refer to the book “Kafi”

They would burn Prophet’s narratives, and prohibited the quotation of Prophet’s [AS] narratives, they would beat companions up for quoting Prophet’s narratives, then you expect to have access to Commander of faithful’s argument to the narrative of “Ghadir”. Such issues are in our books as well as your books. Dears refer to the book “Kafi” v 8, P 348, narrative number 541:

قال سلمان رضی الله عنه: فأتیت علیا (علیه السلام) وهو یغسل رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله{

“Salman Farsi” said: I went to Ali [AS] he was washing [performing ablution] Prophet’s [PBUH] body.    

فأخبرته بما صنع الناس وقلت: إن أبا بکر الساعة علی منبر رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله) والله ما یرضی أن یبایعوه بید واحدة إنهم لیبایعونه بیدیه

I told him about what people did that “Abubakr” is standing on the Prophet’s pulpit and people are swearing allegiance to him. It’s a long narrative, then Commander of faithful [AS] said:

  شهدوا نصب رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله) إیای للناس بغدیر خم بأمر الله عزوجل

People were witness that Prophet [AS] appointed me as his successor in “Ghadi” following divine’s order.

فأخبرهم أنی أولی بهم من أنفسهم وأمرهم أن یبلغ الشاهد الغائب قد أعلموا إمامهم ومفزعهم بعد نبیهم ترکوا أمر الله عز وجل وطاعته وما أمرهم به رسول الله (صلی الله علیه وآله{

And said to people that my guardianship on people is more than their guardianship on their own. And ordered people to aware absents. and Prophet [PBUH] announced and people understood that I’m their leader and shelter after Prophet [PBUH]. But they denied divine’s order, obeying god and what Prophet [PBUH] had ordered them.

Al-Kafi - Sheikh Al kuleiny, vol. 8, p. 343-344

There is not more clear issue that it. The book “Mu 'jam Al rejal” written by mister ”Khoei” is from the first narrative “Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem” that “Najashi” says about him:

«ثبت معتمد صحیح المذهب ثقة فی الحدیث»

And second narrator is “Ibrahim ibn Hashem” that mister “Khoei” writes about him

«لا ینبغی الشک فی وثاقة إبراهیم بن هاشم»

There is no doubt that he is reliable.

Mujam Al rejal Al hadith- Al Sayyed Al Khoei. V 1 , p 291

Second person is “Hemad ibn issa”. “Najashi” sais about him in the book “Mu 'jam Al rejal” written by mister “Khoei” v 7:

«وکان ثقة فی حدیثه، صدوقا»

Mujam Al rejal Al hadith- Al Sayyed Al Khoei. V 7 , p 236

This narrative was said by Commander of faithful [AS] that Prophet [PBUH] said: after me Ali’s [AS] due will be usurped. God willing , in the next sessions I’ll talk about two issues: first: the narratives of caliph from Commander of faithful [AS] except the narrative of “Ghadir”. There many things to say about “Ghadir” I found 20 examples in Sunni books that mentioned to two or three of them.

I found 20 narratives in Shiite and Sunni books that Commander of faithful [AS] argued to the narrative of “Ghadir”. assuming that all these narratives are weak [invalid] or as “Ibn taimia” has said their narrators are libertine and dissolute. He himself say in the book “the collection of religious decrees” if an narrative has been quoted via different ways is valid.

«فإن تعدد الطرق وكثرتها يقوى بعضها بعضا حتى قد يحصل العلم بها ولو كان الناقلون فجارا فساقا»

Indeed, the multiplicity of quoting a narrative and the different ways of quotation , support each other so that we make sure that narrative has been said, even if narrators are libertine and dissolute.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn teimia rasael and religious decrees books, author’s name: Ahmed Abdel-Halim ibn taimia , published by :maktab ibn taimia, second edition, R: Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad ibn Qasim Al asemy Najdi, v 18, p. 26

If even these 20 narratives have been quoted by libertines and dissolute  as Prophet [PBUH] and your small god “Ibn taimia” have said this the matter of  “tathbit” so why you keep shouting and say that I didn’t ask important question, the religious resources of Qom  province, mister “Makarem Shirazi” why don’t you answer !!!

You don’t even deserve to clean the shoes of religious resources like: “Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi.

Several days ago I discussed a matter and “Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi” said: “Heidari” is illiterate in this field [does not have enough knowledge], we were in “Medina” he came and asked some questions, when I was answering he couldn’t even talk and was staring at the ground. But now he keeps talking because of the matters of “Kalkarab” and killing Shiite in Afghanistan, he talks nonsense, and some of channels like to broadcast his nonsense and saved him from selling date in “Medina” streets.


Thank you very much dear master I condole again the anniversary of “Imam Hadi’s martyrdom, and god willing, we can mourn for him in any place and god willing we resort to “Imam Hadi” [AS] to  show kindness to Shiite Imam [AS] better and to do our religious obligations better.

We’ve made a new  testing phone line for people in abroad to contact us. those who like can call us. God willing, the problems of phone line is solved.

The contact of program’s viewers:

1: Muhammad from Fars province. [Sunni]

Greetings to you and dear master. I express my condolence on the occasion of “Imam Hadi’s” martyrdom.


We condole to you too.     


As a Sunni adolescent I believe that Shiite has been oppressed specially Shiite Imam [AS] who were oppressed during the history by tyrant ruler. And now “Wahhabism” which has made channel keeps saying: prove “Emamat” via rational way and prove that “Emamat” exists.

They say: it’s a fanciful matter that “Imam Mahdi” [AS] has been absent for about 1200 years. I ask you to prove via rational way that Prophet would communicate with god? Or his book is what god has said? and prove me via rational way that Prophet Muhammad  [PBUH]was revealed via “Gabriel”.

They wrote thousands of books against Islam and god and said that any channel that we’re invited we’ll go there.      


They was only one place that they didn’t come and that’s “Velayat” channel.


Yes, I say that this channel and Shiite have been oppressed. once “Abbsi” tyrant rulers would oppress Shiite Imam [AS] and now “Wahhabism” under the name of Sunni keep insulting and make division between Shiite and Sunni and have disgraced Sunni.


Thank you very much.

2: mister “Nakhaee” from Qom province [Shiite]

Hello, I condole “Imam Hadi’s martyrdom too.


Hello, we condole to you too.


Whoever who has heard the truth voice of Commander of faithful [AS] and listened it from bottom of his heart, others’ voice won’t be pleasant for him. Any way thank you for giving this chance to me.

We must be fair, when call other channels to talk they don’t pick the phone or if answer don’t let us to talk that’s why we should call “Velayat” channel and convey our message to them via this channel. There is no shame for them  more than this that with all that advertisements they scare give us two minutes to talk.

Once I heard that a Shiite presenter said: god is the disciple of Fatima. I don’t know his talks was cut off? or that video file was manipulated by these hypocrites? I really got confused after hearing this sentence’ I ask dear master to explain about it.


Thank you for your calling. Dear master will explain about it.  Tonight We’ve made testing phone line for our viewers in overseas to call us, asking their question, this way we will see if this answerable or not. Miss “Tahery “ called us from London. [ didn’t come on the line] and asked us tis question:

What’s the example of love of the (prophet 's) relatives in present age?

She has mentioned to the surah [Chamber] ASH-SHURA, Verse 23, which is about” love of the (prophet 's) relatives the question is now that we can’t see Shiite Imam [AS] and Prophet [PBUH] is not alive, who is the example of love of the (prophet 's) relatives? and how should we behave to stick to this verse of Holy Quran?

Ayatollah doctor Hosseini Qazvini:

About this Holy verse:

"قل لا أَسْئَلُکمْ عَلَیهِ أَجْراً إِلاَّ الْمَوَدَّةَ فِی الْقُرْبی"

say: for this I ask of you no wage except the love of the (prophet 's) relatives.

ASH-SHURA verse 23

It’s been written in many of Sunni books that the meaning of “relatives” in here.  It’s written In the book “the virtues of companions” from “Ahmad ibn Hanbal” v, 1:

لما نزلت قل لا اسألکم علیه اجرا الا المودة فی القربی قالوا یا رسول الله من قرابتنا هؤلاء الذین وجبت علینا مودتهم, قال علی وفاطمة وابناها علیهم السلام

When this verse was revealed: they ask Prophet [PBUH]: who are you relatives that it’s compulsory for us to like them. He said: Ali [AS] Fatima and her children.

And it’s written in the book “Muja Kabir” from “Tayrani”:

«لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ قُلْ لا أَسْأَلُکمْ علیه أَجْرًا إِلا الْمَوَدَّةَ فی الْقُرْبَی قالوا یا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ من قَرَابَتُک»هَؤُلاءِ الَّذِینَ وَجَبَتْ عَلَینَا مَوَدَّتُهُمْ, قال عَلِی وَفَاطِمَةُ وَابْنَاهُمَا رَضِی اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ

When this verse: say:  'for this i ask of you no wage except the love of the (prophet 's) relatives, was revealed they asked Prophet [PBUH] who are your relatives that god has made it compulsory for us to like them. Prophet [PBUH] said; Ali [AS] Fatima [AS] and their children.

There some other books with such expression. But, about this that what’s the meaning of “relatives” at this time, it’s Imam Mahdi [AS] who is compulsory for all Muslims Shiite or Sunni to like him [his friendship is compulsory for Muslims].

Of course, we have some narratives in both Sunni and Shiite books about “Sadat”[ those who their descendant returns to one of Shiite Imam [AS] who have advantage on others [ god has done it] because they’re the descendants of Fatima [AS] and Shiite Imam [AS] as well as Prophet [PBUH] [their blood is flowing in their vain]. They are respected in high regard. And even there is a narrative that:

«من رأی أولادی ولم یقم بین یدیه فقد جفانی»

If someone sees one of my children and wouldn’t respect him and wouldn’t stand up, has persecuted me [has ignored my right].

characterization of Fatima , Sheikh Mohammad Bagher al kajoory, vol. 2, p. 550

In the last moments of her life, Fatima [AS] did testate to Ali [AS]: O, Ali, extend a hello for me to my children until the day of resurrection.


Dear master, mister “Nakhae” asked a question about expressions that some say them and can cause misunderstanding, please explain about it.

Ayatollah doctor Hosseini Qazvini:

Shiite dears, pay attention that Imam [AS] said:

« هَلَكَ فِيَّ رَجُلاَنِ ، مُحِبٌّ غَالٍ ، وَمُبْغِضٌ غَالٍ »

Because of me, two groups will be perished, radical friends and impolite enemies. [those who have my enmity in their heart].

Jame Al ahadith Soyutit, v, 16; Nahj al balaghah, p. 489.

Commander of faithful AS] said:

 «نزّهونا عن الربوبیة وقولوا فینا ما شئتم»

Bring us down from the level of being god then say about us anything that you like [praise us but we’re not god]

Of course, I’m sure those who say such things, it’s because they get used to it [it’s spoonerism] this guy who say this sentence, say prayer and says:

(إِیاک نَعْبُدُ وَ إِیاک نَسْتَعین)

you (alone) we worship; and you (alone) we rely for help

surah [chamber]AL-FAATEHAH verse 6

It’ clear that they say such expressions without any intentions, but because “Wahhabism” and these evil Zionist Saudi channels misuse of such things, I ask Shiite and eulogists to live up what’s written in the narratives. We’ve enough narratives about the virtues of Shiite Imam [AS] and we need no to say [refuge to god] god is Fatima’s disciple. What’s that you say?!! [what a nonsense!]

When Fatima [AS] would say prayer, would barely breath [fear of god] then you say, refuge to god, god is Fatima’s disciple [AS], it’s absurd. Ahl al-bayt [AS] were like this before god, the piety of Fatima [AS] and her attention to god almighty, her advise to us to remember god are written in Sunny and Shiite resources comprehensively.


Dear master, please pray

Ayatollah doctor Hosseini Qazvini:   

God I swear you to the reputation of “Imam Hadi” [AS] Fatima [AS], hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi [AS], ignore rest of his absenteeism for the sake of his mother Fatima [AS], prepare the arrangement of his reappearance, and put us among his particular companions. And prepare the arrangement of releasing of innocent prisoners, heal patients

And grant our dear viewers’ prayers as well as the prayers of the staff of “Velayat” global channel. Peace be upon you.


Thank you dear master as well as you respectable viewers. God willing you’ll attend “Imam Hadi’s mourning circling and pray for the reappearance of “Imam Mahdi” [AS]. Thank you for watching us and goodbye.


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