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Takfiri Wahhabis plotting Sunni-Shia collision, says MWM Chief
ID: 575 Publish Date: 12 June 2017 - 14:57 Count Views: 2006
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Takfiri Wahhabis plotting Sunni-Shia collision, says MWM Chief

Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari, secretary general Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, has said that takfiri Wahhabis were plotting to field Sunni-Shia Muslims against each other but they will never succeed in their nefarious designs.

Speaking at a press conference in Karachi, he said, takfiri Wahhabis such as terrorists of Daesh and their allies in Pakistan always tried their best to harm Pakistan and Pakistani interests. He said that these terrorists were also plotting against CPEC and have killed Chinese national as they claimed.
Allama Raja Nasir made it clear that terrorists would not be eliminated without combing operation in Mastung because this area has been made safe haven of terrorists since long.
He also lambasted the Zionist-US nexus against Muslims and Arabs and asked the Pakistan government to clarify its position where does she stand?
He vowed that MWM would largely participate in the Quds Day rallies in all over Pakistan to express solidarity with oppressed Palestinians and renew pledge for liberation of al Quds as Palestinian capital.

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