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ISIL Using Kids to Carry out Suicide Attacks on Syrian Army Positions in Deir Ezzur
ID: 620 Publish Date: 27 September 2017 - 09:10 Count Views: 2301
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ISIL Using Kids to Carry out Suicide Attacks on Syrian Army Positions in Deir Ezzur

The ISIL`s media wing released some photos disclosing that the terrorist group has begun to deploy its so-called ‘Caliphate Cubs’ in blatant suicide operations against the Syrian army troops in Deir Ezzur.

The English-language Lebanon-based AMN quoted Amaq news website as reporting about released photos on Tuesday showing another suicide bomb-attack by ISIL 's car by an adolescent and presumably indoctrinated boy that reportedly took place on Monday East of Humeimeh region, targeting a key bastion of the army on the provincial border between Homs and Deir Ezzur that has become the repeated target of hit-and-run operations by the ISIL in the past month.

In addition to the aforementioned attack, the same batch of photos showed a lone ISIL 's pickup truck opening fire on the targeted outpost and shooting at a Russian jet.

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