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Were Sunni Imams the disciples of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]?
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Were Sunni Imams the disciples of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]?


Were Sunni Imams the disciples of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]?

There’s no doubt that all people needed the knowledge of Shiite Imams [AS] regarding to their unique knowledge. Even opponents admitted numerous times that they needed the knowledge of Imam “Ali” [AS], for instance “Umar” the son of “Khattab” would always say:

Notice: “Ibn” means: son

فكان عمر يقول لولا على لهلك عمر

If it weren’t for “Ali” [AS], “Umar” would perish.

Al-Estia’b, “Abd al-BIRR”, P 3, P 1103

وفي كتاب النوادر للحميدي والطبقات لمحمد بن سعد من رواية سعيد بن المسيب قال كان عمر يتعوذ بالله من معضلة ليس لها أبو الحسن يعني علي بن أبي طالب.

“Umar” would always refuge to god of a problem that “Ali” [AS] isn’t there to solve it.


Now we point out to Sunni scholars who were the disciples of Imam “Sadiq” [AS] and used of his knowledge:


“ALUSI”, one of Sunni scholars restates in the preface of the book “Muktasar al-ttuhfah ethna ashar” that “Abu-HANIFAH” was Imam Sadiq’s [AS] disciple for 2 year.

وهذا أبو حنيفة - رضي الله تعالى عنه - وهو بين أهل السنة كان يفتخر ويقول بأفصح لسان: لولا السنتان لهلك النعمان، يريد السنتين اللتين صحب فيهما لأخذ العلم الإمام جعفر الصادق - رضي الله تعالى عنه -. وقد قال غير واحد أنه أخذ العلم والطريقة من هذا ومن أبيه الإمام محمد الباقر ومن عمه زيد بن علي بن الحسين - رضي الله تعالى عنهم -.

“Abu-HANIFAH” was amongst Sunni and was always proud and would say: if were for those two years, I would perish. “Abu-HANIFAH” meant, those two years that he acquired knowledge from Imam “Sadiq” [AS]. And some have said that he acquired knowledge from Imam “Sadiq” [AS] and his father [Imam “Baqir”] and his uncle “Zeid ibn Ali ibn al-Huseyn”.

“ALUSI”, Mukhtasar al-ttuhfah al-ethna ashar”, p 8


Though, “Ibn TAYMIYYAH” hasn’t restated that “Abu HANIFAH” was disciple of Imam “Sadiq” [AS, but he says unequivocally that “Malik ibn Anas”, “Shu’bah”, “Ibn Jarih”, “Yahya ibn Saed” and …. Were amongst the pupils of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]:

فإن جعفر بن محمد لم يجيء بعد مثله وقد أخذ العلم عنه هؤلاء الأئمة كمالك وابن عيينة وشعبة والثوري وابن جريج ويحيى بن سعيد وأمثالهم من العلماء المشاهير الأعيان.

After “Ja’far ibn Muhammad” [Imam “Sadiq” [AS], no one has been like him and Sunni scholars and figures such as: “Malik”, Suftyan ibn Uyaynah” and “Sufyan Thuri and Ibn Jarih and “Yahya ibn Saed” and …. Acquired knowledge from him

“Ibn TAYMIYYAH”, Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabaviyah, v 4, p 126

3: “Muhammad ibn Talhah”

He says the names of some of Sunni scholars who acquired knowledge of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]:

الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السلام) ... هو من عظماء أهل البيت وساداتهم (عليهم السلام) ذو علوم جمة ، وعبادة موفرة ، وأوراد متواصلة ، وزهادة بينة ، وتلاوة كثيرة ، يتتبع معاني القرآن الكريم ، ويستخرج من بحره جواهره ، ويستنتج عجائبه ، ويقسم أوقاته على أنواع الطاعات ، بحيث يحاسب عليها نفسه ، رؤيته تذكر الآخرة ، واستماع كلامه يزهد في الدنيا ، والاقتداء بهديه يورث الجنة ، نور قسماته شاهد أنه من سلالة النبوة ، وطهارة أفعاله تصدع أنه من ذرية الرسالة . نقل عنه الحديث ، واستفاد منه العلم جماعة من الأئمة وأعلامهم مثل : يحيى بن سعيد الأنصاري ، وابن جريج ، ومالك بن أنس ، والثوري ، وابن عيينة ، وشعبة ، وأيوب السجستاني ، وغيرهم (رض) وعدوا أخذهم عنه منقبة شرفوا بها وفضيلة اكتسبوها.

Imam “Sadiq” [AS] is amongst elders of “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS], has broad knowledge, is always worshiping, always remembers god, was clearly pious and used to recite “Quran”. He would probe into the meanings of “Quran” verses, and would extract the jewels of “Quran” and had divided his time doing divine worshiping so that at that time he would think about what he’s done during a day. Seeing him would remind us of resurrection and hearing his words would cause piety in this world, and following his methods was the guidance towards heaven. The light of his charming face, would prove that he’s from the off springs of prophets [PBUTH], and the sincerely of his deeds would show that he’s from the generation of prophecy. Shiite Imams [AS] and elders like: “Yhya ibn Saed Ansari”, “Ibn Jarih”, “Malik ibn Anas” and “Shu’bah” and… used of his knowledge and have said that being his pupil is kind of virtue for us which has made us proud to of it.

“Al-Shafi’i”, the virtue of prophet’s [PBUH] dynasty, P 436

4: “Muhyi NUVI”

He says about Sunni elders who the pupils of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]:

روى عنه محمد بن إسحاق ويحيى الأنصاري ومالك والسفيانان وابن جريج وشعبة ويحيى القطان وآخرون واتفقوا على إمامته وجلالته وسيادته.

“Muhammad ibn Eshaq” and “Yahya al-ANSARI” and “Malik”, “Malik”, “Ibn Jarih”, “Shu’bah” and “Yahya al-QATAN” and others have quoted narratives from him and have consensus on his glory and Imamate.

“Al-NUVI SHAFI’I”, Tahzib al-Asma’ “ v 1, p 155

5: “Khatib Tabrizi”

He’s amongst Sunni scientific pillars, he writes:

جعفر الصادق: هو جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب، الصادق کنيته أبو عبدالله کان من سادات أهل البيت روي عن أبيه وغيره سمع منه الأئمة الأعلام نحو يحيي بن سعيد وابن جريج ومالک بن أنس والثوري وابن عيينة وأبو حنيفة.

“Ja’far Al-Sadiq”: he’s “Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi-Talb”, his [title] is “Sadiq” and his sure name is “Abu Abdullah”,  he was amongst elders of “Ahl al-Bayt” [Shiite Imams] and has quoted narrative of his father and others and Shiite imams and elders such as: “Ibn Jarih”, “Malik ibn Anas” and “Sufyan Thuri” and “Abu Hanifah” have heard narrative from him.

“Al-Khatib Al-Tabrizi”, Al-ekmal fi asma’ al-Rijal, p 19

5: “Abu-Mehasin TAHIRI”

He’s amongst Sunni Hanafi-faith scholars, he says:

[ما وقع من الحوادث سنة 148] وفيها توفي جعفر الصادق بن محمد الباقر بن علي زين العابدين بن الحسين بن علي بن أبى طالب رضي الله عنهم، الإمام السيد أبو عبد الله الهاشمي العلوي الحسيني المدني ... وكان يلقب بالصابر، والفاضل، والطاهر، وأشهر ألقابه الصادق ... وحدث عنه أبو حنيفة وابن جريج وشعبة والسفيانان ومالك وغيرهم. وعن أبي حنيفة قال: ما رأيت أفقه من جعفر بن محمد.

Event that occurred in the year 148: and in this year “Ja’far Sadiq” the son of “Muhammad Baqir” the son of “Ali Zain al-Abedin” the son of “Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi-Talib” passed away. He was Imam, was known as tolerant, knowledgeable and infallible and his most well-unknown title was “Sadiq” …. Guys such as: “Abu Hanifah”, “Ibn Jarih”, “Shu’bah”, “Sufyan ibn Uyaynah”, “Thuri” and “Malik” and…. Quoted Hadith from him, There’s a quotation from “Abu Hanifah” that I’ve not seen anyone as knowledgeable as him.

Al-Atabaki, Al-nnujum al-zahirah, v 2, p 68

7: Ibn Sabbagh MALIKI

Ali ibn Ahmad, known as “Ibn Sabbagh” is a Sunni Maliki-Faith scholar:

كان جعفر الصادق ابن محمّد بن عليّ بن الحسين عليهم السلام ... وروى عنه جماعة من أعيان الاُمّة وأعلامهم مثل : يحيى بن سعيد وابن جريج ومالك بن أنس والثوري وابن عيينة وأبو حنيفة وشعبة وأبو أيّوب السجستاني وغيرهم.

“Ja’far al-Sadiq”… some of elders such as: “Yahya ibn Saed” and “Ibn Jarih” and “Malik ibn Anas”, “Thuri”, “Abu-Hanifah”, “Shu’bah” and “Ibn Uyaynah” and “Sajistani” and … have quoted narrative from him.

Al-Maliki Al-Makki, “Ibn Sabbagh”, “Al-fusool al-Muhimmah”, V 2, P 907, 908

8: Ibn Hajar Heithami

He writes:

جعفر ... وروى عنه الأئمة الأكابر كيحيى بن سعيد وابن جريج والسفيانين وأبي حنيفة وشعبة وأيوب السختياني.

“Ja’far Sadiq” [AS]… elder Imams such as: “Yahya ibn saed”, “Ibn Jarih”,”Sufyan Thuri”, “Sufyan Uyaynah” and “Abu Hanifah” and “Shu’bah” and “sakhtiyani” have quoted narrative from him.

Al-Heithami, “Al-Savaeq al-Muhraqah”, V 2, P 586

9: Shibravi

“Abdullah ibn Shibravi”,his faith Is Shafi’I, he writes:

السادس من الائمة جعفر الصادق ذو المناقب الکثيرة و الفضائل الشهيرة روي عنه الحديث کثيرون مثل مالک بن انس و أبو حنيفه و يحيي بن سعيد و ابن جريج و الثوري.

“Ja’far ibn Sadiq” [AS] is the sixth Imam of Shiite Imams, he has many virtues, many of famous narrators such as: “Malik ibn Anas”, “Abu Hanifah”, “Yahya ibn Saed” and “Ibn Jarih” and “Thuri” have quoted narrative from him.

“Al-Shibravi”, Al-ethaf, p 54

10: “Shiblanji Shafi’i

He writes in the book “Al-Ansar”:

. روي عنه جماعة من أعيان الأئمة وأعلامهم کيحيي بن سعيد ومالک بن أنس والثوري وابن عيينة وأبي حنيفة وأيوب السختياني وغيرهم.

“Shiblanji Shafi’I”, Nur al-Absar, p 297

11: “Zarkuli”

He says:

جعفر بن محمد الباقر بن علي زين العابدين بن الحسين السبط، الهاشمي القرشي، أبو عبد الله، الملقب بالصادق: سادس الأئمة الاثني عشر عند الإمامية. كان من أجلاء التابعين. وله منزلة رفيعة في العلم. أخذ عنه جماعة، منهم الإمامان أبو حنيفة ومالك. ولقب بالصادق لأنه لم يعرف عنه الكذب قط. له أخبار مع الخلفاء من بني العباس وكان جريئا عليهم صداعا بالحق.

“Ja’far ibn Muhammad Baqir” the grand sone of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] was from “BanI Hashim” and “Quraysh” tribe, his surname is “Abdullah” and his title is “Sadiq”, sixth Imam of Shiite Twelve-Imams. He has high position in knowledge and many people acquired knowledge from him that two of Sunni leaders “Imam Abu Hanifah” and “Imam malik” are amongst them, his title is “Sadiq” because no one has ever heard lie from him and it’s been said in narratives that he was in fight with “Bani Umayyad” constantly for reviving and spreading justice and right.

“Al-Zarkuli”, Al-a’lam, v 2, p 126

12: Ali ibn Muhammad Dakhil Allah

He’s amongst “Wahhabi” contemporary researchers and authors, he writes in the footnote of the book “Al-Savaeq Al-Mursalah”:

هو جعفر بن محمد الباقر بن علي زين العابدين بن الحسين السبط الهاشمي القرشي الملقب بالصادق. ولد سنة 80 بالمدينة وهو سادس الائمة الاثني عشرية عند الامامية، من اجلاء التابعين، أخذ عنه جماعة منهم الإمامان مالک وأبو حنيفة. وتوفي في المدينة سنة 148.

He’s “Ja’far ibn Muhammad Baqir”, the grandchild of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], from “Bani Hashim”, he’s title is “Sadiq”. He was bor in the year 80 in Medina. He’s the sixth Imam of Shiite Twelve-Imams, is amongst elders of “Tabi’in” [Muslims who met one or some of prophet’s [PBUH] companions not prophet [PBUH]. And many people like: “Imam Malik”, and “Imam Abu Hanifah” acquired knowledge from him. He died in the year 148 in Medina.

“Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya”, al-savaeq al-Mursalah, v 1, p 616

13: Abd al-Rahman Shirqavi

He’s a famous “Egyptian” author, he writes in the book “nine Imams of Fiqh”, in the chapter special for Imam Sadiq [AS], after quoting the tough questions were asked by “Abu Hanifah” from Imam “Sadiq [AS], and Imam’s [AS] response to each question:

وصحبه أبو حنيفة النعمان بعد ذلک مدة سنتين يتلقي عنه العلم.

After this event, “Abu Hanifah” was with Imam “Sadiq” [AS] for 2 years getting knowledge.

“Al-Shirqavi”, nine Imams of Fiqh, p 49

توفي الامام جعفر الصادق الذي درس عليه الامام مالک وروي عنه أبو حنيفة النعمان  وتعلم منه وصحبه سنتين کاملتين قال عنهما أبو حنيفة النعمان: لولا السنتان لهلک النعمان.

Imam “Sadiq” [AS] passed away while “Mallik” was his disciple and “Abu Hanifah” quoted narrative from him and was with him for 2 years, and “Abu Hanifah” says about those two years: if wre for those 2 years “Nuʿmān” [Abu hanifah] would perish.

Al-Shiqavi”, nine Imams of Fiqh, p 51

He restates in another page that Imam “Sadiq” was the master of “Abu Hanifah”:

وکان يقاوم کما قاوم أستاذه وصديقه الإمام جعفر الصادق من قبل البدعة تزيين التقشف والانصراف عن هموم الحياة وترک الأمر کله لطبقة بعينها تملک وتستغل وتحکم وتستبد.

Like his master and friend Imam “Sadiq” [AS], “Abu Hanifah” would resist against innovation, adorning austerity, being apart from worldly matters, being strict towards himself, and he left anything that was particular and was amongst the trait of such guys that via that they would misuse, bully and oppress and rule people.

Al-Shiqavi”, nine Imams of Fiqh, p 60

He writes about “Malik”:

أفاد الإمام مالک من صحبة الإمام جعفر وأخذ عنه کثيرا من طرق استنباط الحکم ووجوه الرأي وأخذ عنه البعض الاحکام في المعاملات وأخذ الاعتماد علي شاهد دون شاهدين إذا حلف المدعي اليمين وکما أخذ من الإمام الصادق جعفر بن محمد اخذ من أبيه الإمام محمد الباقر بن علي زين العابدين بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب.

“Imam Malik” used of his accompanying with Imam “Sadiq” [AS], and has learnt many methods for inferring decree and decrees’ result.  As well as, he’s learnt some of trade decrees and relying on one witness and less than one witness- when claimer takes an oath- as Imam “Ja’fa Sadiq” [AS] has acquired from his father “Muhammad Baqir ibn Ali Zayn al-Abedin ibn Ali ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi-Talib [AS].

“Al-Shiqavi”, nine Imams of Fiqh, p 87

He writes about the presence of “Malik” in Imam “Baqir” [AS] and Imam “Sadiq” [AS] classes and his belief-opposition with “Ahl al-Bayt”:

لزم مالک مجلس الامام محمد الباقر وابنه الامام جعفر وتعلم منهما علي الرغم من ان الرأيه في الإمام علي بن أبي طالب کرم الله وجهه لا يرضي آل البيت وشيعتهم فقد فضل عليه أبابکر الصديق وعمر بن الخطاب وعثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنهم وجعل الامام عليا کرم الله وجهه ورضي الله عنه کسائر الصحابة.

“Malik” participated In “Muhammad Baqir” and his son “Ja’far Sadiq” [AS] and acquired knowledge from them, while his opinion about “Ali” [AS] wasn’t what Shiites and “Ahl al-Bayt” believed, because he would give advantage to “Umar”, “Abu-Bakr”, “Uthman” over “Ali” [AS], and would consider commander of faithful [AS] may god be pleased of him, as other companions.

“Al-SHRQAVANI”, nine Imams of Fiqh, p 87

From what “Shirqavi” said, we find out that the theory of commander of faithful [AS] excellence over other “SAHABA” [Companions] was discussed even at the time of “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS].

14: Abd al-Halim al-Jundi

He’s Sunni contemporary famous master and researcher:

فلقد تتلمذ أبو حنيفة ومالک للإمام الصادق، وتأثر کثيرا به ،سواء في الفقه أو في الطريقة. ومالک شيخ الشافعي والشافعي يدلى إلى أبناء النبي بأسباب من العلم والدم. وقد تتلمذ له أحمد بن حنبل سنوات عشرة. فهؤلاء أئمة أهل السنة الأربعة، تلاميذ مباشرون أو غير مباشرين للإمام الصادق.

“Abu Hanifah” and “Malik ibn Anas” were disciples of Imam “Sadiq” [AS] was influenced by him deeply in “fiqh” and “Malik” is the master of “Shafi’I” and “Shafi’I” would guide people towards prophet’s offsprings to have family relationship with them [family marriage] and use of their knowledge. “Ahmad ibn Hanbal” learned from him about 10 years, they’re Sunni quadruplet Imams who learned from Imam “Sadiq” [AS] directly and indirectly.

“Al-JUNDI”, Imam “Ja’far Sadiq”, p 3

15: Muhammad Abu-Zuhrah

He’s amongst Sunni contemporary authors and scholars, he writes:

فأئمة السنة الذين عاصروه تلقوا عنه وأخذوا، أخذ عنه المالک رضي الله عنه، وأخذ عنه طبقة مالک، کسفيان بن عيينة وسفيان الثوري، وغيرهم کثير وأخذ عنه أبو حنيفة مع تقاربهما في السن، واعتبره أعلم أهل الناس، لأنه أعلم الناس باختلاف الناس، وقد تلقي عليه رواية الحديث طائفة کبيرة من التابعين، منهم يحيي بن سعيد الانصاري وأيوب السختياني وابان بن تغلب وأبو عمرو بن العلاء وغيرهم من أئمة التابعين في الفقه والحديث.

Sunni Imams, those who were his [Imam Sadiq [AS] contemporary, have welcomed him and acquired knowledge from him, “Malik” and guys like: “Sufyan ibn `Uyaynah” and “Sufyan Thur” and others. “Abu Hanifah” has acquired knowledge from him, despite of their age was close he knew Imam Sadiq [AS] as the most knowledgeable person because he was the most knowledgeable person towards others’ differences and many of “Tabe’in” [those who met or accompany one or several companions] have quoted narrative from Imam Sadiq [AS] such as: “Yahya ibn Sae’d Ansari” and “Ayyub Sakhtiyani” and “ Abu Amr ibn Ala’” and others from elders “Tabe’in” in Fiqh and Hadith.

Abu-Zuhrah, Imam Sadiq his life and age, P 66

In another place he admits that Sunnis have consensus that “Malik” was the pupil of Imam Sadiq [AS]:

وإنه من المتفق عليه أخذ أن المالک رضي الله عنه کان يختلف إليه، ويأخذ عنه.

There’s consensus amongst Sunni that “Malik” would go to Imam “Sadiq” [AS] acquiring knowledge.

Abu-Zuhrah, Imam Sadiq his life and age, P 89

As you saw Sunni elders were the disciple of Imam Sadiq [AS] and however they didn’t follow his Fiqh and belief methods quietly. Now the question is that why rather than following Imam Sadiq [AS] and prophet’s [PBUH] “Ahl al-Bayt” in all issues like what Shiites do, Sunnis have left them and follow their disciple.


So it was proved that elders and even scholars and even Sunni quadruplet Imams [Abu Hanifah, Malik ibn Anas, Muhammad ibn Edris Shafi’I, Ahmad ibn Hanbal” were the disciples of Imam Sadiq [AS] directly and indirectly, naturally they were expected as the disciples of Imam Sadiq [AS], to follow his Fiqh and belief methods fully like: “Zurarah” and “Muhammad ibn Muslim”, but it was the fault that they had, as some of companions of prophet [PBUH], as Sunni resources restate, not only didn’t follow the method of prophet Muhammad [PBUH] but they even said that his hallucinating and definitely, such matters can’t cause any fault for Islamic Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and Imam Sadiq [AS] but fault is for those who didn’t follow them.

Good luck.

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