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Making Hadiths in religious issues and making virtue for “Abu-Bakr”, “Umar” and “Uthman”.
ID: 521 Publish Date: 07 February 2017 - 11:43 Count Views: 1876
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Making Hadiths in religious issues and making virtue for “Abu-Bakr”, “Umar” and “Uthman”.


“Ibn Taymiyyah” writes about forging hadith:

و قد وضع الناس أحاديث كثيرة مكذوبة على رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم و سلم في الأصول والأحكام و الزهد و الفضائل و وضعوا كثيرا من فضائل الخلفاء الأربعة و فضائل معاوية.

People {Sunnis} made many narratives and lie in the topic of principle of religion, Ahkam, piety and virtues and ascribe them to Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and they’ve also made many virtues about four caliphs and “Muawiyah”.

“Minhaj al-Sunnah”- vol. 7, p 312

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