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Studying Ali [AS]’s guardianship verses in Sunny resources
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Studying Ali [AS]’s guardianship verses in Sunny resources

velayat tv - August 08, 2012

 In The Name Of God

Date: August 08, 2012

Maser Qazwini:

I express my condolence to imam “Mahdi” [AS] and all Muslims and Shias on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of commander of the faithful [AS].

It’s written in some resources that one day commander of the faithful Ali [AS] prayed for messenger of god [PBUH] and said: O messenger of god! Pray for me too.

Prophet of Islam [PBUH] raised his hands and said: O god! I swear you by the reputation of Ali to fulfill his requests.

“Abbas”, Prophet’s uncle said: O messenger of god! Why did you swear god by Ali’s reputation?

Messenger of god said: I looked at the sky and saw that there is no one more respectable and dearer than “Ali”, that’s why I swore god by Ali’s reputation.

Last night I explained by document that one of the most important virtues of commander of the faithful [AS] is that after Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], he’s the dearest and the most respectable creature with god:

يُحِبُّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيُحِبُّهُ الله وَرَسُولُهُ.

Sahih Muslim – vol. 4, p 1871


In the perspective of Sunni scholars, how many Quran verses do we have about commander of the faithful Ali [AS]?

Master Qazwini:

Last night we discussed intellectual reasons regarding the caliphate and Imamate of Hadrat “Ali” [AS]. We also discussed unique virtues and qualities of Hadrat “Ali” [AS] written in Sunni resources and said: if there isn’t any text in Quran and tradition regarding the caliphate and imamate of commander of the faithful Ali [AS] and Prophet [PBUH] has assigned people the task of selecting caliph, if we were to select the most competent person, we have no option except Hadart “Ali” [AS]; because his virtues are unprecedented and not of Sahaba are equal with him.

And we said: Sunnis say three qualities for the caliph that all have accepted:

1: knowledge

2: bravery

3: justice

In these three qualities commander of the faithful [AS] is higher than all sahaba as well; but he’s higher than all Prophets [PBUTH] except Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], there is no doubt about it.

If this matter costs some of hypocrites and “Khawarij” of the time a lot, they can come to debate with each other and if we can’t prove it, we accept what they say and all people also know that commander of the faithful [AS] is higher than all Prophets [PBUH] except prophet Muhammad, we have both Koranic reasons and reasons from Sunnah. If you’re right, let’s debate.

If these three qualities “bravery, knowledge and justice” are criterion for selecting caliph, no one deserve it except “Ali bin abi Talib” [AS], and if someone selects another person, he’s stepped on his conscience.

“Tha’labi Nishapuri” who died in 427 AH, says:

ما نزل في أحد من القرآن ما نزل في علي بن أبي طالب.

What has been sent down about commander of the faithful Ali in Quran hasn’t been sent down about no one else.

Tafsir Tha’labi – vol. 2, p 279

“Al-Dhahabi” writes about “Tha’labi”:

الإمام الحافظ العلامة شيخ التفسير... وكان، صادقا موثقا.

He’s the master of Tafsir and honest .

Siyar al-A’lam al-Nubala – vol. 17, p 435 and 437

Mr. “Suyuti” who is amongst Sunnis’ scientific pillars, says:

“Ibn Asakir” has quoted from “Ibn Abbas” that what has been sent down about commander of the faithful Ali [AS] hasn’t been sent down about anyone and “Ibn Abbas” has said:

وأخرخ ابن عساكر عن ابن عباس قال نزلت في علي ثلثمائه آية.

Three hundred verses in Quran have been revealed about Hadrat “Ali” [AS].

The History of caliphs, vol. 1, p 172 /// al-Sawa’iq al-Muhraqah – vol. 2, p 373

And “Tabarani” also says in “al-Mu’jam al-Kabir” book -which is said he’s written authentic narratives in this book- that “Akramah” has quoted from “Ibn Abbas”:

ما أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ يا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِلا عَلِيٌّ أَمِيرُهَا وشَريفُهَا وَلَقَدْ عَاتَبَ اللَّهُ أَصْحَابَ مُحَمَّدٍ، صلي اللَّهُ عليه وسلم في غَيْرِ مَكَانٍ وما ذَكَرَ عَلِيًّا إِلا بِخَيْرٍ.

In each verse of Quran that “Believers” is written, “Ali bin abi Talib” has been discussed in there as commander of the faithful and the honor of the believers and in several places of Quran, god has reprimanded and dispraised companions of Prophet Muhammad and Quran ….@@@@

“Ibn Abi Hatim” has quoted this narrative in his “Tafsir” book, vol. 1, p 196. “Ibn Taymiyyah” says about “Ibn Abi Hatim”: Tafsir of “Ibn Abi Hatim” is amongst Tafsir books that:

المعتمد عليها في المنقولات

“Ibn Hajar Asqalani” has written this narrative in “Al-Sawa’iq Muhariqah” book – vol. 2, p 372.

Of course there are about 38 narratives that I mentioned them in brief.

These three nights’ discussions are part of the reasons of imamate and guardianship of commander of the faithful Ali [AS].


Some of Shia scholars say: Sura Al-Maeda verse 55 is the best reason for the guardianship of commander of the faithful Ali [AS], please explain about it.

إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ

Your guide is only Allah, His Messenger, and the believers; those who establish the prayer, pay their obligatory charity, and bow down (in worship).

Sura Al-Maeda, verse 55

Master Qazwini:

I just say a sentence form late Sheikh “Tusi” in brief so that we have time for other question, he says:

وأما النص علي إمامته من القرآن ، فأقوي ما يدل عليها قوله تعالي : (إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون)

Interpretation of al-Shafi book, vol. 2, p 10

 The best Koranic reason for the imamate of commander of the faithful [AS] is this holy verse.

The author of “Al-Shafi” book is Sayed “Murtaza” who died in 436 AH, and its interpretation is for his honorable disciple late Sheikh “Tusi”.

Allameh “Milani” has quoted from 18 of Sahaba and prominent “Tabi’in” that this verse has been sent down about Hadrat “Ali” [AS].

“Al-Milani” – Nafakhat al-Azhar – vol. 20, p 12

Sixty three of Sunni leaders and retentive and great scholars have said that this verse is about commander of the faithful Ali [AS]. In the future I’ll talk about this matter more.


One of the most important faults that Wahhabis find with this verse is that this verse is plural but commander of the faithful is one person, so, this verse isn’t about him. Please answer this dubious.

Master Qazwini:

If we want to talk about faults that they find with this verse, we should talk about it in two or three sessions. In about 140 pages, we’ve answered faults that Wahhabis found with this verse.

I’ve written a book reviewing “The principle of Shia” book written by Dr. Gaffari. In about 140 pages we’ve responded doubts made by Wahhabis about this verse. We’re ready to instruct this book for Wahhabi experts via internet so that they understand what they say and realize their illiteracy and contradictions.

I discuss some of the sayings of “Ibn Taymiyyah” and then deal with their response that may take long time.

“Ibn Taymiyyah” says:

وقد وضع بعض الكذابين حديثا مفتري أن هذه الآية نزلت في علي لما تصدق بخاتمه في الصلاة وهذا كذب بإجماع أهل العلم بالنقل.

Some of liars made a fake hadith that Sura Al-Maedah verse 55 has been sent down about “Ali bin abi Talib” when he gave his ring to the beggar and there is consensus amongst scholars who know about {Hadith} quotation that it’s lie.

Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah – vol. 2, p 30

This guy has definitely looked at the mirror and seen his face and imagined that all have collected in this mirror, that’s why he’s claimed consensus.

And he also says:

اجمع أهل العلم بالنقل علي أنها لم تنزل في علي بخصوصه

In Quran, nothing has been sent down about “Ali” and he’s not given his ring while saying prayer and those who know about hadith believe that this story is fake.

Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah – vol. 7, p 11

And he says in another place:

وجمهور إلامة لم تسمع هذا الخبر.

Most of Islamic nation haven’t heard such narrative.

Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah – vol. 7, p 17

Then he finds out that many of Quran interpreters and historians and 18 of Sahaba and more than 60 of Sunni great scholars have quoted this matter, he says:

أما أهل العلم الكبار أهل التفسير مثل تفسير محمد بن جرير الطبري و بقي بن مخلد و ابن أبي حاتم فلم يذكروا فيها مثل هذه الموضوعات.

But very great scholars such as: “Ibn Jarir Tabari” and “Ibn Abi Hatim” who don’t quote faked narratives, haven’t quoted this narrative.

Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah – vol. 7, p 13

He says in there: there is consensus amongst the nation that such narrative hasn’t been quoted and he says in here: if others have quoted, “Ibn Jarir” and “Ibn abi Hatim” haven’t quoted and they’re guys who don’t quote faked things.

Mr. “Saqaf” says:

ابن تيميه منافق ناصبي.

“Ibn Taymiyyah” is hypocrite and “Nasibi”.

I’ve collected the saying of 75 of Sunni scholars who have confessed that “Ibn Taymiyyah” is hypocrite and “Nasibi”.

Yesterday, I quoted from “Hassan bin Farhan Maliki” that anyone who denies narratives regarding the virtues of commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is “Nasibi” and the one weakens authentic narratives is “Nasibi” as well.

18 of Sahaba and elders have said this narrative but in the perspective of “Ibn Taymiyyah” not of these guys are important, but I mention to his last sentence, he said that “Ibn Abi Hatim” and “Tabari” haven’t quoted this narrative while “Ibn abi Hatim” has quoted from “Salamah bin Kuhayl”:

حدثنا أبو سعيد الأشج ثنا الفضل بن دكين أبو نعيم الأحوال ، ثنا موسي بن قيس الحضرمي عن سلمة بن كهيل قال : تصدق علي بخاتمه وهو راكع فنزلت انما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين امنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون.

Commander of the faithful Ali [AS] gave his ring as charity while performing Ruku’ and then this verse was sent down.

“Tafsir ibn Abi Hatim” vol. 4, p 1162

So, it was clarified that what a liar “Iban Taymiyyah” is, he’s said “Ibn abi Hatim” hasn’t quoted it, but it was clarified that he’s quoted such thing.

Narrators of this narrative are: “Abu Saed Ashaj”, “Fazl bin Dukayn”, “Abu Na’im Ahwal”, “Musa bin Qays Hazrami” and “Salamah bin Kuhayl” and “Ibn abi Hatim” has quoted it from “Ibn Kuhayl”:

We search about all of these narrators: {studying the document}

1: Ibn abi Hatim:

“Ibn Taymiyyah” says about him:

من العلماء الأكابر الذين لهم في الإسلام لسان صدق و تفاسيرهم متضمنة للمنقولات التي يعتمد عليها في التفسير.

“Ibn abi Hatim” is amongst those who are honest in Islam and their Tafsir books contain narratives that could be relied on in interpretation.

This confession clarifies everything, it means when “Ibn abi Hatim” quotes it, it has happened, but to make this matter clear, I look into it more.

“Ibn abi Hatim” says in his book preface: in this book, I write most valid narratives in terms of document:

فتحريت اخراج ذلك بأصح الاخبار اسنادا ، وأشبهها متنا.

Tafsi ibn abi Hatim – vol. 1, p 14

2: Abu Saed Ashaj

“Al-Dhahabi” says about him:

ثقة إمام أهل زمانه.

He’s reliable and was the imam of his time.

“Al-Kashif”- vol. 1, p 558

“Ibn Hajar” also says that he’s reliable:

Taqrib al-Tahzib, vol. 1, p 497

3: Fazl bin Dukayn:

“Ibn Hajar” says:

ثقة ثبت وهو من كبار شيوخ البخاري.

He’s reliable and honest and is amongst elders of Bukhari’s masters.

4: Musa Qais Hazrami:

“Yahya bin Ma’in” says that he’s reliable.

"Al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil” – vol. 8, p 157

“Al-Dhahabi” says:

ثقة شيعي.

He’s reliable and Shia.

Al-Kashif, vol. 2, p 307

5: Slamah bin Kuhayl

“Yahya ibn ma’in” says that he’s reliable:

“Al-Mezzi”- Tahzib al-Kamal- vol. 11, p 315

“Ejli” says:

كوفي تابعي ثقة.

He’s Tabi’i and reliable.

Tahzib al-Kamal- al-Mezzi- vol. 11, p 315

“Muhammad bin Sa’d”, the author of “Al-Tabaqat” book says:

كان ثقة.

He’s reliable.

“Al-Mezzi” – Tahzib al-Kamal – vol. 11, p 315

“Abu Zar’ah” says that he’s reliable:

“Al-Mezzi” – Tahzib al-Kamal – vol. 11, p 316

Second narrative is from “Ibn abi Hatim” too.

“Ibn Taymiyyah” and his followers who call him Sheikh al-Islam!, feel ashamed little bit and don’t oppress commander of the faithful Ali [AS] this much, the time that you kept committing crime against Hadrat “Ali” [AS] has passed.

Today is media age and with the grace of god, we decry you and your leaders by logic and reason and prove that the base of your religion and belief is lie and accusation.

“Ibn abi Hatim” has quoted from “Utbah ibn abi Hakim”:

6549 حدثنا الربيع بن سليمان المرادي ، ثنا أيوب بن سويد عن عقبة بن أبي حكيم في قوله : انما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين امنوا قال : علي بن ابي طالب.

The meaning of this verse is “Ali bin abi Talib”.

Tafsir ibnabi Hatim, vol. 4, p 1162

Narrators of this narrative:

1: Rabi’ bin Sulayman Muradi

“Ibn Hajar” says that he’s reliable:

Taqrib al-Tahzib, vol. 1, p 1833

2: “Ayyub bin Suwayd”:

“Asqalani” says:

صدوق يخطيء

He’s honest but he’s made mistake too.

Of course, fifty of Bukhari’s masters have said that he has many errors.

“Hakim Nishapuri” says about a narrative that “Ayyub bin Suwayd” is one of its narrators:

هذا حديث، صحيح علي شرط الشيخين ولم يخرجاه.

“Al-Hakim Nishapuri”- Al-Mustadrak- vol. 2, p 198

3: Utbah bin abi Hakim:

“Yahya bin Mai’in” says that he’s reliable:

“Al-Mezzi” – Tahzib al-Kamal – vol. 19, p 301

And there is also a narrative that “Ibn Jurayr Tabari” has quoted while “Ibn Taymiyyah” has said that “Ibn Jurayr” hasn’t said such narrative:

حدثنا إسماعيل بن إسرائيل الرملي ، قال : ثنا أيوب بن سويد ، قال : ثنا عتبة بن أبي حكيم في هذه الآية : إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا قال : علي بن أبي طالب.

This verse has been sent down about “Ali bin abi Talib”.

Its narrators are:

1: Ibn Jurayr Tabari:

Al-Dhahabi says:

كان ثقة، صادقا حافظا رأسا في التفسير إماما في الفقه والإجماع والاختلاف.

He’s reliable, honest and retentive and is leader in Tafsir and imam in Fiqh.

Siya al-A’lam al-Nubala – vol. 14, p 270

2: Ismael bin Israel al-Ramli

Ibn abi Hatim says:

كتبنا عنه وهو، صدوق.

Al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil – vol. 2, p 529

3: Ayyub bin Suwayd:

Ibn Hajar says:

صدوق يخطيء.

Taqrib al-Tahzib – vol. 1, p 607

4: Utbah bin abi Hakim:

He was in the last narrative and is the narrator of this narrative too.

There is no doubt that his narratives are valid.

If a narrative isn’t valid in terms of document, “Ibn Taymiyyah” says:

تفسير ابن جريج و ابن جرير الطبري و محمد بن أسلم الطوسي و ابن أبي حاتم من العلماء الأكابر الذين لهم في الإسلام لسان، صدق و تفاسيرهم متضمنة للمنقولات التي يعتمد عليها في التفسير.

Tafsir of “Ibn Jarih” and “Ibn Jurayr Tabari” and “Ibn abi Hatim” and scholars and elders who are honest, contain narratives which are reliable.

So, those who say nonsense about this verse in hypocrisy Wahhabi channels and deny historical facts should open their eyes and quote these things and answer rather than swearing and insulting.


Some have said that there is consensus amongst Sunni that this verse {Sura Maeda, verse 55} has been sent down about commander of the faithful Ali [AS], is there any evidence about this consensus?

Master Qazwini:

Mr. “Alusi” who is “Salafi” and Wahhabis have accepted him, says:

وغلب الأخباريين علي أنها نزلت في علي كرم الله تعالي وجهه.

Most of hadith narrators say that this verse has been sent down about “Ali ibn abi Talib”.

Rooh al-Ma’ani – vol. 6, p 167

He also says:

والآية عند معظم المحدثين نزلت في علي كرم الله تعالي وجهه.

Ruoh al-Ma’ani- vol. 6, p 186

Followers of “Ibn Taymiyyah”, respond to this saying.

Mr. “Izz al-Din Iji” who is amongst Sunni pillars in theology science, says:

وقد أجمع أئمة التفسير علي أن المراد بالذين يقيمون الصلاة إلي قوله تعالي وهم راكعون علي فإنه كان في الصلاة راكعا فسأله سائل فأعطاه خاتمه فنزلت الآية.

There is consensus amongst Pioneers of Tafsir science that the meaning of this verse is “Ali ibn abi Talib” [AS], because when he was performing Ruku’ while saying prayer, a beggar asked him for help and Hadrat “Ali” [AS] gave his ring to him, then this verse was revealed.

“Al-Iji” – al-Mawaqif – vol. 3, p 614

“Ibn Hajar” says about “Izz al-Din Iji”:

وكان إماما في المعقول قائما بالأصول والمعاني والعربية مشاركا في الفنون.

Mr. “Taftazani” discusses Shias’ reasons regarding sending down the 55th verse of Sura Al-Maeda about commander of the faithful Ali [AS] without rejecting or reviewing them.

Sharh al-Maqasid – vol. 2, p 288

“Ibn Hajar” says about “Taftazani”:

الامام العلامة.

He’s Imam and Allameh.

Al-Durr al-Kaminah- vol. 4, p 350

And also Mr. “Qooshji” quotes and reviews this sentence and Shias’ reasons regarding sending down of this verse about commander of the faithful [AS]; but he quotes the consensus without rejecting it.

It’s a general scientific rule that if someone quotes an issue from opponent without reviewing it, it’s said that he’s accepted it. If he really didn’t accept it, he’d reject it like other reasons. According to this issue, consensus of Qur’an interpreters about revealing this verse about Hadart “Ali” [AS] is proved.

If we even reject consensus, Mr. ‘Alusi says explicitly: this verse has been revealed about commander of the faithful [AS] and this issue s so clear that I don’t think that we need reason in this regard.

There is a narrative from commander of the faithful Ali [AS] who says: this verse has been revealed about me, this narrative is written in these books: knowing Hadith sciences, vol. 1, p 102 and “Shawahid al-Tanzil”, vol. 1, p 227.

Narrative quoted by “Ibn Abbas” in this regard is written in “Kanz al-Ommal” book, vol. 13, p 108 and narrative quoted by “Ammar” in this regard is in “Mu’jam al-Usat” book from “Tabarani”, vol. 6, p 218.

“Salama ibn Kuhayl” has quoted this narrative in “The History of Damascus” vol. 24, p 357.

“Al-Jesas” Sunni big scholar has quoted this narrative in “Ahkam of Qur’an”. Allameh “Haskani” in “Shawahid al-Tanzil”, “Ibn Jawzi” in “Zad al-Masir”, Imam “Qurtubi” and “Ibn Kathir” and “Suyuti” have quoted this narrative in their Tafsir books.

Allameh Seyed “Ali Milani” has quoted from 63 of Sunni big elders that this verse has been sent down about commander of the faithful Ali [AS].


Why is this verse the strongest reason about the imamate and guardianship of commander of the faithful [AS]?

Ayatollah “Qazwini”:

I explain it in brief. Late Sheikh “Tusi” says: the strongest text about the imamate of Hadrat “Ali” [AS] is Sura Al-Maeda verse 55.

And he also says: the reason is that it’s been proved that the meaning of this word “وليكم” in here is the one who undertakes the tact of all people and political and social affairs of people and it’s compulsory to people to obey him and it’s been proved that «الذين آمنوا» is about commander of the faithful Ali [AS].

And these two matters prove that commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is our Imam.

The word “Guide” has been said in Sunnah, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said: dear Ali:

أنت ولي كل مؤمن بعدي.

After me, you’re the guide of all believers.

“Al-Isti’ab” – vol. 3, p 1091

“Albani” says:

و أخرجه أحمد ومن طريقه الحاكم و قال:، صحيح الإسناد و وافقه الذهبي و هو كما قالا.

“Hakim Nishapuri” and “Al-Dhahabi” have said that this narrative is authentic and reality is that this narrative is authentic.

“Hakim Nishapuri” says: Prophet Muhammad said:

إن عليا مني وأنا منه وولي كل مؤمن هذا حديث، صحيح علي شرط مسلم ولم يخرجاه.

“Ali” is from me and I’m from “Ali” and he’s the guide of all believers.

“Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain, vol. 3, p 119

“Ibn Marduyyah” who is amongst Sunni big elders and “Al-Dhahabi” and others have praised him, quotes from “Ibn Abbas” and him from “Abu Dhar” who said: we said “Zuhr” prayer with Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and people had left the mosque, a beggar came at the door of mosque and no one gave him something and commander of the of the faithful Ali [AS] who was performing Ruku’ mentioned to his finger and he was wearing ring and that beggar came further and got the ring:

 وذلك بمرأي من النبيّ (، صلي الله عليه وسلم ) وهو يصلي.

Prophet [PBUH] was seeing the scene and it happened before him, when Prophet [PBUH] finished his prayer, he said: O god! My brother “Moses” asked you and said:

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لي، صدْري * وَيَسِّرْ لي أَمْري * وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَاني * يَفْقَهُواْ قَوْلي * وَاجْعَل لّي وَزِيرًا مِّنْ أَهْلي * هَرُونَ أَخي * اشْدُدْ بِهِ أَزْري * وَأَشْرِكْهُ في أَمْري.

'Lord, ' said Moses, 'expand my chest, and ease my task for me, Unloose the knot upon my tongue, that they may understand my speech, Appoint for me a minister from my family, Aaron, my brother, By him confirm my strength, and let him share my task,

God! When “Moses” made such request, you said in response:

سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِأَخِيكَ وَنَجْعَلُ لَكُمَا سُلْطَنًا فَلاَ يَصِلُونَ إِلَيْكُمَا بئَايَاتِنَآ.

'We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and appoint for you both an authority so that they shall not reach you. With our signs you and those who follow you shall be the victors.

Prophet [PBUH] said to god:

وأنا محمّد نبيّك وصفيّك، اللّهمّ، فاشرح لي، صدري، ويسّر لي أمري، واجعل لي وزيراً من أهلي عليّاً اشدد به ظهري.

I’m Muhammad, your prophet. I have the same request as “Moses”. I want you to appoint “Ali” as my minister and successor.

“Abu Dhar” says: Prophet [PBUH] was talking that “Gabriel” came down and said on God’s behalf:

يا محمّد، اقرأ ، فأنزل الله عليه :}إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَوةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَوةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ{

“Ibn Marduyah Isfahani” – virtues of Ali ibn abi Talib – p 293 /// Tafsir al-Tha’labi – vol. 4, p 80 and 81 /// “Fakhr al-Din Razi” – Tafsir al-Razi – vol. 12, p 26 /// “Al-Hakim Haskani”, Shawahid al-Tanzil – vol. 1, p 230

Many said to a beggar: we go saying prayer, you come and ask help, we mention to our ring, you come and get our ring while we’re performing Ruku’; so that Qur’an verse is revealed about us; but nothing happened.

If god’s guardianship were different than the guardianship of Prophet [PBUH] and commander of the faithful [AS], god would say in Qur’an:

انما وليكم الله ووليكم رسوله ووليكم الذين آمنوا.

Like Sura Al-Tawba verse 61 that god says:

قُلْ أُذُنُ خَيْرٍ لَكُمْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَيُؤْمِنُ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ.

Say: 'He lends an ear of good for you; he believes in Allah and trusts the believers.

Some said: anything that we say, Prophet should accept and listen. The word “يُؤْمِنُ" has been repeated twice, first one means real belief and second one means that he confirms your talks in appearance.

Dear friends! Pay attention that in this holy verse {Sura Al-Maeda verse 55} the word “Guide” has been said once.

These are issues that we discussed and it’s quite clear that god almighty has said four issues about commander of the faithful Ali [AS]. There is consensus amongst Sunni Qur’an interpreters that these four qualities {written in the Sura Al-Maeda verse 55} are just in Hadrat “Ali” [AS]. We’ve responded to 12 doubts made by them such as: this verse is plural or “Zakat” wasn’t compulsory, we’ve responded to all of them from Qur’an. Like Sura Al-E-Imaran verse 61 known as “Mubahala” verse:

َنِسَاءَنَا وَنِسَاءَكُمْ َأَنْفُسَنَا وَأَنْفُسَكُمْ.

Those who dispute with you concerning him after the knowledge has come to you, say: 'Come, let us gather our sons and your sons, our womenfolk and your womenfolk, ourselves and yourselves. Then let us humbly pray, so lay the curse of Allah upon the ones who lie.

In here, there is no doubt that “ourselves” is plural and it means commander of the faithful Ali [AS], and womenfolk is plural and it means Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS].

We’ve found 63 cases in Qur’an that it’s plural but its meaning is singular that one of them is Sura Al-Maeda verse 55.


One of the strong reasons of Shia about the imamate of Hadrat “Ali” [AS] is Sura Al-Maeda verse 67:

يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ وَاللَّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ.

O Messenger, deliver what is sent down to you from your Lord; if you do not, you will not have conveyed His Message. Allah protects you from the people. Allah does not guide the nation, the unbelievers.

Please explain about it.

Master Qazwini:

“Ibn abi Hatim” quotes from “Abu Saed”:

نزلت هذه الاية يا ايها الرسول بلغ ما انزل اليك من ربك في علي بن ابي طالب.

Tafsir ibn abi Hatim – vol, 4, p 1172

“Ibn abi Hatim” says:

فتحريت اخراج ذلك باصح الاخبار اسنادا ، واشبهها متنا.

I’m committed to quote most authentic narratives in my book.

“Tafsi ibn abi Hatim”, vol. 1, p 14

“Ibn Taymiyyah” says:

“Tafsir” books written by “IbnJarir” and “Ibn abi Hatim” contain narratives that are trustworthy.

“Wahedi Nishapuri” says in “the cause of revelation of verses” book, p 135:

نزلت هذه الآية - يا أيها الرسول بلغ ما أنزل إليك من ربك - يوم غدير خم في علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه.

This verse was sent down in ”Ghadir Khum” about Hadrat Ali ibn abi Talib.

Mr. “Wahedi” is committed to quote authentic narratives as well, he says: in this book, I try to discard lie and invalid narratives so that those who read my book select authentic and correct issues.

“Al-Dhahabi” says about “al-Wahedi”:

الواحدي الإمام العلامة.

Siyar al-A’lam al-Nubala – vol. 18, p 339

Mr. “Rafi’I”, author of “Mirror of heavens” book, says about “al-Wahedi”:

والإمام المفسر أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد الواحدي النيسابوري أستاذ عصره في النحو والتفسير وصنف التفاسير الشهيرة لمجمع علي حسنها.

He was master in “Syntax” and “Tafsir” sciences and has had well-known and there is consensus amongst Sunni scholars that he has good books.


It’s written in some of Sunni books that Sura Al-Maeda verse 67 would have been read in the name of “Ali ibn abi Talib” [AS], is that true?

Master Qazwini:

That’s quite true. Sunni elders have said so without finding fault with it. Mr. “Suyuti” says: “Ibn Marduyah” has quoted from “Abdullah bin Masud”:

كنا نقرأ علي عهد رسول الله، صلي الله عليه وسلم يا أيها الرسول بلغ ما أنزل إليك من ربك ان عليا مولي المؤمنين وإن لم تفعل فما بلغت رسالته والله يعصمك من الناس.

We’d read this verse in the Prophet [PBUH] age like this: O Messenger, deliver what is sent down to you from your Lord that Ali is the guardian of the believers, if you do not, you will not have conveyed His Message.

Al-Suyuti – al-Durr al-Manthur – vol. 3, p 117

Some of illiterate and opponent guys say in their sessions: Wahhabis are not real, there was guy named “Abd al-Wahhab” who lived before Islam and was idolater Wahhabi.

Mr. ‘Alusi says:

عن ابن مسعود قال : كنا نقرأ علي عهد رسول الله، صلي الله عليه و سلم ياأيها الرسول بلغ ماأنزل اليك من ربك إن عليا ولي المؤمنين وإن لم تفعل فما بلغت رسالته.

“Ibn Masud” says: in the time of Prophet [PBUH] we’d read this verse like:  deliver what is sent down to you from your Lord that Ali is the guardian of the believers, if you do not, you will not have conveyed His Message.

Has Qur’an been distorted or not? Sunnis should response.

Supporters of “Suyuty”, “Alusi” and “Shukani” should know that they say: in the time of Prophet [PBUH] people would read 55th verse of Sura Al-Maeda like this: deliver what is sent down to you from your Lord that Ali is the guardian of the believers, if you do not, you will not have conveyed His Message.

If it’s really been sent down like this, so why isn’t written in your Qur’an, and if you say it’s not been revealed like this, we say: “Ibn Masud” has quoted it and you trust him. And if you say: this narrative is invalid, we say: “Ibn Marduyah” has quoted it without finding fault with it, same goes for “Alusi”, “Suyuty” and “Shukani”, if this narrative was invalid, they wouldn’t quote it.


One of the strong reasons of Shia about the imamate and guardianship of commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is Sura Al-Maeda verse 3 known as “Perfection” verse, have Sunni scholars written it in their books with authentic document?

Master Qazwini:

This verse says:

الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا.

This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you. I have approved Islam to be your religion. 

Sura Al-Maeda – verse 3

How was this completed? What day was that day? “Khatib Baghdadi” quotes from “Abu Huraurah”: anyone who fasts on Du al-Hijjah 18, god almighty will give him the spiritual reward of two months fast.

Du al-Hijjah 18 is the day of “Ghadir Khum” in which Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] into raised [AS]’s hand and said: am I the guardian of the believers? They said: Yes, you are. He said: anyone I’m his guardian, Ali is his guardian. “Umar ibn Khattab” rose and said:

بخ بخ لك يا بن أبي طالب أصبحت مولاي ومولي كل مسلم.

O “Ali”! Congratulation. Today you became my guardian and the guardian of all Muslims.

“Ibn Kathir Damascene Salafi” says: “Umar ibn Khattab” said:

هنيئا لك يا ابن أبي طالب اصبحت اليوم ولي كل مؤمن.

Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah – vol. 7, p 350

“Ibn Athir Jazari” also says in “Asad al-Ghayah” book, vol. 4, p 118:

يا ابن أَبي طالب ، أَصبحت اليومَ وَلِيّ كل مؤمن.

But it’s written in “The History of Baghdad”:

أصبحت مولاي ومولي كل مسلم.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” quotes this story in his book and says:

أَصْبَحْتَ وَأَمْسَيْتَ مولي كل مُؤْمِنٍ وَمُؤْمِنَةٍ.

Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal – vol. 4, p 18495

Mr. “Al-Dhahabi” has quoted it in his book too:

أصبحت وأمسيت مولي كل مؤمن ومؤمنة.

The History of Islam – vol. 3, p 633

Narrators of this narrative {document of the narrative}:

1: Abdullah ibn Ali ibn Bushran:

2: Ali ibn Umar Al-Dar Qatni:

“Dar al-Qatni” is well-known and all recall him as imam of his time, honest and reliable.

3: Habshun al-Khelal:

Khatib Baghdadi says: he’s honest.

4: Ali ibn Saed al-Ramli

“Al-Dhahabi” says: he was honest and his narrative is written in “Sihah al-Sittah” books.

5: Zumrah ibn al-Rabiah:

Ahmad ibn Hanbal has said that he’s reliable.

6: Abdullah ibn Shuzab:

Ibn Hajar says about him:

صدوق عابد.

Taqrib al-Tahzib – vol. 1, p 3386

7: Matar al-Weraq:

“Al-Dhahabi” says about him:

الإمام الزاهد الصادق.

Siyar al-A’lam al-Nubala- vol. 5, p 452

8: Shahr ibn Khushab:

Ahmad ibn Hanbal has said that he’s reliable.

In terms of document narrative doesn’t have any problem and if someone wants to say opposite of it, he should say: “Abu Hurayrah” has lied and accuses him of being a liar.

Some guys say that second caliph said this sentence on the day of “Arafah” and sometimes say it was in Friday’s night and sometimes say that it happened on Friday.

The guy who lies, his memory will become poor

 These guys elders such as Shu’bi “Shu’bi” says: I doubt if this verse is for “Arafah”, what event has happened in “Arafah” that Qur’an says:

الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا.

Sura Al-Meda verse 3

“Ibn Marduyah” quotes from “Abu Saed Khedery” and says:

لمّا نصب رسول الله، صلي الله عليه وسلم عليّاً يوم غدير خم فنادي له بالولاية، هبط جبرئيل عليه بهذه الآية الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ.

When Prophet [PBUH] appointed “Ali” [AS] on the day of “Ghadir Khumm” and announced Ali’s guardianship to people, “Gabriel” came down and read this verse:

الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا

Ibn Marduyah Isfahani – Manaqib Ali ibn abi talib – p 231

And “Ibn Marduyah” also quotes from “Majahid” who says: this verse has been sent down in “Ghadir Khumm” and then Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said:

الله أكبر علي إكمال الدين ، وإتمام النعمة ، ورضا الربّ برسالتي ، والولاية لعليّ.

Praise blogs to god almighty and god perfected his religion and completed his favor and got pleased of my prophecy and announced the guardianship of “Ali ibn abi Talib”.


I saw one of non-Iranian friend, he expressed his kindness and said: we didn’t have such information and with the grace of god I use these sessions as lesson class and I have a Wahhabi neighbor that I debate with him after your program and my life has altered.

Master Qazwini:

Several days ago some of dears from “Tajikistan” had come to my office and said: in “Tajikistan”, Uzbekistan”, “Kyrgyzstan” and “Turkmenistan” people watch “Velayat” global channel.

They had good suggestions in that meeting and I give glad tiding to those who watch our programs in central Asia countries and Caucasus that nest year we’ll try to translate our power points to Russian and put them on our website.

It’s very difficult to us to add Russian and if we promise we may not be able to fulfill it.

With the grace of god, we’ll run Arabic language by the end of month of “Ramadan”. I appreciate all dears, those who are in broadcast and production unit and dear filmmakers who sometimes work until 2 am.

Now that we’re talking, about forty guys are helping so that this program goes on air.

Our dear Sunnis in central Asia express their favor to this program more and say:

So far we’d not seen that issues are said with logic and politely and our scholars don’t say the truth to us.

Nowadays, Wahhabis destroy people’s life and cause father and son to fight each other.

If a Wahhabi enters a house, that family turns into hell, because if a child becomes Wahhabi, he looks at his parents, brother and other relatives with grudge and knows all of them infidel.

Viewer: Ms. Safayi

I called to say that on “Kalamah” channel {Wahabism Channel} an agonizing dubious was discussed, “Abdullah Heidari” denied this sentence «فزت ورب الكعبة» said by commander of the faithful Ali [AS] written in Shia books and several Sunni books with authentic document such as: “Al-Isti’ab” written by “Ibn abd al-Barr”, vol. 3, p 1125, “Asad al-GHabah”, from “Ibn Athir” vol. 4, p 38, “Al-Ansab al-Ashraf”, vol. 2, p 499, “Subul al-Huda al-Rishad”, vol. 11, p 306.

Mr. “Hashimi” and “Sujudi” got so happy after hearing this sentence while after a short research I found out that Hadrat “Ali” [AS] has said this sentence.

I want to use this opportunity sending a message to Mr. “Abdullah Heidari”: all this denying is because of your grudge of illiteracy? I want to clarify this issue in his next program and he must be sure that those who interpret Qur’an wrongly, god will put them in hell with face. Those who have enmity towards “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS], god will humiliate them in both this world and the day to come.

Mr. “Hashimi” {Wahhabi} emphasized last night that if Hadrat “Ali” [AS] was martyred, he’s happy, why are you mourning for him?

Firstly: when it’s “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS] birthday anniversary, we celebrate and when it’s their martyrdom anniversary, we mourn; but you who don’t have such belief, why had you thrown party in London in “Ayesha” death anniversary?

You guys say that second caliph was martyred, why don’t you celebrate on that day?

Master Qazwini:

Last night when program ended, I was getting ready going to “Jamkaran” mosque, I turned T.V on and saw that Mr. “Na’thal” is saying: the sentence “فزت ورب الكعبه” is written in no book and they’re lying and this drug expert says: I didn’t know by now. Then Mr. “Hashemi” says: what type of courage is this that when you don’t know you say we don’t know.

Mr. “Heidari”, you who have “Ahl al-Bayt doctrine” and “Al-Jami’ al-Kabir” applications, at least look in to it.

It’s written in about forty Shia books that when “Ibn Muljam” hit his sword in commander of the faithful’s head, Hadart “Ali” [AS] said:

ولما ضربه ابن ملجم قال : فزت ورب الكعبة.

Swear by the god of “Kaaba”, I reached to salvation.

“Al-Seyed ibn Tavoos” – al-Taraef fi Ma’rifah Madhahib al-Tawa’if- p 519

I don’t know what grudge and enmity they have toward commander of the faithful Ali [AS] that even say that he’s not said: swear by the god of “Kaaba”, I reached to salvation.

One of the signs of enmity with commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is that these guys are hypocrite and adulterate.

Is that possible that a legitimate person has such enmity with Hadrat “Ali” [AS]?

It’s written “Al-Isti’ab” book:

وضربه عبد الرحمن بن ملجم علي رأسه وقال الحكم لله يا علي لا لك ولا لأصحابك فقال علي رضي الله عنه فزت ورب الكعبة.

“Al-Isti’ab” – vol. 3, p 1125

This is what Hadrat “Ali” [AS] has said, but these guys say in quite obscenity that it’s lie and we didn’t know such sentence isn’t written in books.

“Ibn Athir Jazari” says this sentence of Hadrat “Ali” [AS] in “Asad al-Ghabbah” book, vol. 4, p 131:

أَن علياً لما ضربه ابن مُلجَم قال فزتُ وربّ الكعبة.

He says in “The History of Damascus” book, vol. 42, p 561:

أن عليا قال لما ضربه ابن ملجم فزت ورب الكعبة.

This sentence said by commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is also written in “Genealogies of the Nobles”, vol. 1, p 376 and “Al-Durr al-Nadim” written by “Shami Ameli”, p 271 and “Sobol al-Huda wa al-Rishad”, vol. 11, p 306.

I don’t know if they have shame or not? What do they want to do? They say this grave of Imam “Reza” that you visit is not Imam Reza’s grave but it’s the grave of Harun al-Rashid. What is it to do with you talking about it? He also says: Hadrat Ali [AS] shrine is the grave of “Mughirah ibn Shu’bah”, what are you seeking saying such things?

Many of those who go to Hadrat “Ali” [AS] shrine are Sunni. You’re playing with people’s sanctities. It proves nothing other than your maliciousness and rascality and enmity toward commander of the faithful [AS].

You ancestor is “Muawiyah” and I’m sure that he’s not {Hashemi} descendant of Prophet. He wasn’t that shameless to say such thing about the grave of commander of the faithful [AS]. It’s been 15 centuries that all say that imam “Sadiq” [AS], imam “Kazim” [AS], imam “Reza” [AS], imam “Hadi” [AS] and imam “Askari” [AS] have visited Hadrat “Ali” [AS] shrine.

Didn’t they know as much as you that where the grave of their ancestor is located?

If I say these guys are like donkey, I’m sure that donkey will complain of us on the day of resurrection, and Jewish scholars whom this verse has been sent down about them will say: what was our sin that you compared these enemies of “Ali ibn abi Talib” [AS] with us.

They say that commander of the faithful Ali [AS] is happy that he was martyred:

فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آَتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَيَسْتَبْشِرُونَ بِالَّذِينَ لَمْ يَلْحَقُوا بِهِمْ مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ.

Rejoicing in the Bounty that Allah has given to them and having glad tidings in those who remain behind and have not joined them, for no fear shall be on them neither shall they sorrow.

Sura Al-E-Imran – verse 170

This guy had celebrated in London saying that “Ayesha” is in paradise. Why did your grand Mufti give announcement? Why did your elders and Mr. “Heidari” cry?

They ridicule when Shias cry for commander of the faithful [AS] and say: it’s “Bid’ah” {innovation in religion} and superstition, but last year {we have its clip} Mr. Heidari cried for “Aisha”.

You insult Shia all this saying that they celebrate on the day that “Umar ibn Khattab” died, if he was really martyred and gone to paradise, you throw party on the day of murdering “Umar ibn Khattab”; because you believe that he’s gone to god and is happy, as Holy Quran says:

فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آَتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَيَسْتَبْشِرُونَ بِالَّذِينَ لَمْ يَلْحَقُوا بِهِمْ مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ.

Sura Al-E-Imran – verse 170

Iranians and Shias across the world and Sunnis are mourners and grieving the night of the martyrdom of commander of the faithful Ali [AS] and beat their chest and head and it’s become thorn in your throat and you are dying of concern:

قُلْ مُوتُوا بِغَيْظِكُمْ.

Say: 'Die in your rage! 

Sura Al-E-Imran – verse 119

Accidently your saying will make Shias more interesting.

That “Nasibi” gay person insulted imam “Hadi” [AS], but this year in the martyrdom anniversary of imam “Hadi” [AS] people mourned for imam “Hadi” [AS] 10 times more than last year and will be more in the next years.

Viewer: Matin from “Kurdistan”

I have a suggestion. Make separate phone line for you main opponents, followers of imam “Ibn Taymiyyah”.


Do you mean Wahhabis?


Yes, I do.

Master Qazwini:

Other friends have also asked us to allocate a line for those who have Wahhabi thought, god willing, we’ll do so in the soon future.


I’ll be great if you do so. Don’t you know Wahhabis Muslim?


We know them Muslim.

Master Qazwini:

We know them amongst “Khawarij”.


Because the bear witness that Muhammad is prophet and god is one.


You’re insulting the sanctities of Wahhabis, “ibn Taymiyyah” and “abd al-Wahhab” while god has forbidden us doing so.

Master Qazwini:

Which of these guys are holy?


When they deny the virtues of commander of the faithful Ali [AS], according to Farhan Maliki’s opinion: anyone who weakens commander of the faithful [AS] is “Nasibi”. Currently, both Sunni and Shia know “Nasibi” person out of Islam.


Does that mean that you know us “Nasibi”?


Are you Wahhabi?




If you have the same opinion as “Ibn Taymiyyah”, you are the same as him too.


We respect Hadrat “Ali” [AS] in high regard.


We are talking about “IbnTaymiyyah” who has denied virtues of Hadrat “Ali” [AS] in his books.


We like Hadrat “Ibn Taymiyyah” like caliphs and Hadrat “Ali”.


I say: even higher than liking, but he’s like Prophet to you; because we see on Wahhabi channels that some insult Prophet [PBUH] but they didn’t oppose at all; but when when “Ibn Taymiyyah” was insulted experts of those programs got so angry.


We know Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] very higher.

Master Qazwini:

Dear brother, are you “Shafi’i” or “Hanafi”?


I’m “Shafi’i”.

Master Qazwini:

Have you ever heard the name “Hesni Shafi’i”?


Yes, I have.

Master Qazwini:

In “rejecting dubious” book, when he reaches to “Ibn Taymiyyah”, he says unequivocally: “Ibn Taymiyyah” is devil and those who are his followers are following devil.


That guy himself is devil.

Master Qazwini:

You said that I’m “Shafi’i”, so you believe those who respect you corrupt opinion toward “Ibn Taymiyyah”.


You’re insulting us.

Master Qazwini:

I say: Mr. “Hesni Shafi’i” is amongst big scholars and Sunni prominent figures and “Al-Dhahabi”, “Ibn Hajar” and others have praised him.


 Maybe “Hesni” is Shia.

Master Qazwini:

He says explicitly:

كما، صنع إمامه الشيطان.

“Rejecting dubious” – vol. 1, p 95

Do you accept “Ibn Hajar Asqalani” or not? will you say that he’s worse than devil if he talks against “Ibn Taymiyyah”?


Anyone who insults Hadrat “Ibn Taymiyyah” is worse than devil.

Master Qazwini:

Devil would have such belief, anyone who insults devil, devil says: he’s worse than me.


Accept my suggestion and allocate a phone line for us.


Wahhabis’ line is quite separate from Sunnis. As when Sunnis call us, they separate themselves from Wahhabis.

Master Qazwini:

“Ibn Hajar Haythami” says about “Ibn Taymiyyah”:

ضالّ ومُضِّلّ.

He’s both misled and misleading.

Al-Fatawa al-Hadithiyah – vol. 1, p 84

Mr. “Ibn Abd Rabbih” who is amongst al-Azhar scholars says:

ابن تيمية الذي اجمع عقلاء المسلمين أنه ضال مضل. هم حزب الشيطان.


There is consensus amongst Muslims that “Ibn Taymiyyah” is misled and misleading and the one who follows him is the follower of devil.

“Feiz al-Wahhab” – p 151

“Ibn Hajar Asqalani” says in “Al-Durar al-Kaminah” book, vol. 1, p 155:

Muslims were three groups toward “Ibn Taymiyyah”: first group would say: he’s misbeliever, second group would say: he says that god has body and third group would say: he’s is hypocrite and has insulted commander of the faithful Ali [AS].

It come out that you have no value for commander of the faithful Ali [AS], he’s even disrespected “Abu-Bakr” and Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].


Those who insult “Ibn Taymiyyah” and “Muhammad ibn abd al-Wahhab” are out of Islam.

Master Qazwini:

“Al-Dhahabi” says in his letter to “Ibn Taymiyyah”: your followers are narrow minded, fool, ignorant and insipient.

“Al-Dhahabi” is disciple of “Ibn Taymiyyah” and has said such things about him.


We expected those who are the followers of their Prophet “Ibn Taymiyyah” and call us to talk with reason rather than just saying: we like “Ibn Taymiyyah”.

I ask dear Sunnis not to be deceived by Wahhabism, assuming that what Shia scholars have said about “Ibn Taymiyyah” and “Muhammad ibn abd Al-wahhab” is lie, there are about 147 books written by Sunny scholars rejecting Ibn Taymiyyah’s opinions, have they all made mistake?

Read Ibn Taymiyyah’s book, when Mr. “Seqaf” who is one Sunni great scholars, reaches to “Ibn Taymiyyah”, says: “Ibn Taymiyyah” is Nasibi and evil and has insulted Hadarat “Fatimah” [AS].

Collection of Rasael – vol. 2, p 737

 “Ibn Taymiyyah” says in his book: there was branch of hypocrisy in Hadrat “Fatimah”.

I don’t know how much you believe in Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS]. How worthless one must insulting Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS], daughter of prophet [PBUH.

Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] says:

فَاطِمَةُ بَضْعَةٌ مِنِّي.

“Fatimah” is part of me.

Sahih Bukhari – vol. 3, p 1361 /// Sahih Muslim – vol. 4, p 1903

He’s also defended “Yazid ibn Muawiyyah” and says: Islam of “Yazid” was better than Islam of “Ali ibn abi Talib”.

He also says: Hadrat “Ali” and all Muslims migrated from “Mecca” to “Medina”, Muslims did so fo Islam and “Ali” migrated until he can marry daughter of prophet [PBUH.

He says:

كان قصده أن يتزوج عليها فله في أذاها غرض.

“Ali” married “Fatimah” to bother her and Prophet [PBUH] by bothering “Fatimah”

“Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah” – vol. 4, p 255

Open your eyes and read “Minhaj al-Sunnah” book to see if these issues are there or not? “IbnTaymiyyah” says: this verse has been sent down about Hadrat “Ali” [AS]:

Minhaj al-Sunna al-Nabawiyyah – vol. 7, p 237

وقد أنزل الله تعالي في علي يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقربوا الصلاة وأنتم سكاري.

Sura al-Nisa – verse 43 -

How inferior one must be saying such thing about Hadrat “Ali” [AS].

“Shukani” quotes from “Muhammad ibn Muhammad Bukhari Hanafi”: anyone who calls “IbnTaymiyyah”, he’s infidel.

“Al-Shukani” - Badr al-Tali’ – vol.2, p 260

Allameh “Helli” and “Majlesi” haven’t said this sentence. He is “Hanafi” and one of Sunni big scholar.

Mr. “Hassan bin Farhan Maliki” one of Saudi Arabia contemporary scholars has a book called: “Al-Suhba wa al-Sahaba”, p 113, he says “Ibn Taymiyyah”:

عرف تماما أنه منحرف عن علي وأهل بيته متوسعا في جلب شبه النواصب.

We know “Ibn Taymiyyah” completely, he’s against “Ali” and his “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS] and has spread “Nawasib” dubious about “Ali ibn abi Talib.

“Ibn Hajar” says in “Al-Durar al-Kaminah” vol. 1, p 155: “Ibn Taymiyyah” is hypocrite; because he’s insulted and disrespected “Ali” and “Fatimah” [AS].

If you really accept Hadrat “Ali” and “Fatimah” [AS], you should know that liking “Ali” and “Fatimah” [AS] couldn’t be gathered with liking “Ibn Taymiyyah”.

We like all dear Sunnis even those who been deceived by Wahhabis and pity them and we really want them to search and study and then make their decision.

Good luck.


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