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Do Shiites act according to the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD?
ID: 149 Publish Date: 21 January 2016 - 11:55 Count Views: 1777
Question & Answer » Shia
Do Shiites act according to the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD?



1, Do you know the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny)?

2, Do you act according to the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny)?


Dear friend, if you pay a little attention to our books you will see that our books are filled with the traditions and narrations of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny). From the other side, the total number of the narrations of the Sunnite Sehah Setah according to the estimation of Ibn Athir Jazari in the book Jame Al-Osul with the elimination of the repeated ones are 9483 narrations while only one of our Shiite book called as Osul Kafi encompasses 16199 narrations

It is worth-mentioning that according to the various narrations from Imam Sadeq and Imam Baqer (peace be upon them) who stated that all of the narrations which have been mentioned by His Holinesses are the quotation from his own fathers and from their grandfather Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and from the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) and they have not quoted any narration from themselves unless they have heard that from their father and from the holy prophet of GOD and even they have not made contrast between them and take into account to this narration for instance

حدّثنا أحمد بن محمّد، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن أبي حمزة الثمالي، عن جابر قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام : يا جابر! واللّه لو كنا نحدث الناس أو حدّثناهم برأينا لكنّا من الهالكين ولكنّا نحدّثهم بآثار عندنا من رسول اللّه‏ صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم يتوارثها كابر عن كابر يكنزها كما يكنز هؤلاء ذهبهم وفضّتهم.

Imam Baqer (peace be upon him) stated that; O Jaber, I swear to GOD if we define the religious laws and the narrations based on our personal views and opinion then we will be destroyed, but we quote the narrations to the people according to the sayings and statements which have been quoted chest by chest from the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) and similar to those who are interested in this worldly life keep their own gold and silver then we are madding efforts to preserve these statements and narrations

-Basaer Al-Darajat p 320, Chapter 14: Chapter Fi Al-Aeme An Endahom Osul Al-Elm ma Varsuh An Al-Nabi ,p La Yagholun Bar Ayhem, Hadith 6

الإمام الصادق‏ عليه السلام : «حديثي حديث أبي، وحديث أبي حديث جدّي ، وحديث جدّي حديث الحسين، وحديث الحسين حديث الحسن، وحديث الحسن حديث أميرالمؤمنين، وحديث أميرالمؤمنين حديث رسول اللّه صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم، وحديث رسول اللّه صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم قول اللّه عزّ وجلّ .

Imam Sadeq stated that; my statements and narrations are the same statements and narrations from my father and the narrations of my father are the same narrations from my grandfather and the narrations of my grandfather are the sayings of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) and the narrations of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) are the same narrations of Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) and the narrations of Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) are the same sayings of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) and the narrations of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) are the same sayings of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) and the narrations of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) are the statements of Allah the Almighty

-Jame Ahadith Al-Shiya, v 1 p 127, Chapter 4: Chapter Hojiat Fatva Al-Aemat Al-Masumin Min Al-Etrat Al-Taherat Bad Al-Fahs, Hadith 102

Our dear friend, therefore, we have sufficient knowledge pertaining to the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny)


If you have a little study and probe pertaining to the Shiites style and methods you will figure out that Shiites are the only ones who really defended the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD from His Holiness age until present time but unfortunately these were the Sunnite great figures who said in response to the holy prophet of GOD regarding the issue of Qertas in which the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) asked for pen and ink in order to write some comments which would guarantee the Moslem nation against every misled and deviation forever that; The holy book of GOD is suffice for us and we do not need to the written texts (namely the tradition) of the holy prophet of GOD

-Sahih Al-Bokhari  v 7, p 9, Ketab Al-Marzi Al-Teb , Chapter Ghol Al-Mariz Ghomava Eni v 8, p 161, Ketab Al-Etesam Al-Ketab, Al-Sonat, Chapter Kerahiat Al-Akhlagh, v 1, p 37, Ketab Al-Elm, Chapter Ketab Al-Elm

And also in the last days of life of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) they gathered all the narrations of His Holiness and set them on fire

قالت عائشة جمع أبي الحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وكانت خمسمائة حديث فبات ليلته يتقلب كثيرا قالت فغمني فقلت أتتقلب لشكوى أو لشئ بلغك ؟ فلما أصبح قال أي بنية هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك فجئته بها فدعا بنار فحرقها ...

Ayeshah says that; my father has gathered 500 narrations from the sayings of the holy prophet of GOD and gave them to me and at night when he wanted to sleep he was turning and then Ayeshah said that; I said to my father, do you have any problem or you received any news which caused you to turn around yourself? When the next morning came he said to me; my daughter bring me the narrations of the holy prophet of GOD which you have kept and I brought them the narrations and in this time he built a fire and set of fire the whole narrations of the holy prophet of GOD

-Tazkarat Al-Hefaz, Zahabi, v 1, p 5, Olum Al-Hadith, Dr Sobhi Saleh, p30

As soon as he came to the power he declared that he has ignored the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD and only you have to talk from the holy Qur’an while His Holiness has predicted such days and we are going to refer to two cases of these narrations for instance

وعن عبيد الله بن أبي رافع عن أبيه قال : قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) لألفين أحدكم متكئا على أريكة يأتيه الأمر من أمري مما أمرت به أو نهيت عنه فيقول : لا أدري ، ما وجدنا في كتاب الله اتبعناه .

Obayd Allah Ibn Abi Rafe quotes from his father that he said; I heard from the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) that stated; one day one of you will come to the power and in this time one of my narration will be brought to him in which whether I have ordered you to do something or prevented you to commit something then he will say; I do not know what this is? We obey whatever mentioned in the  holy book of GOD (and whatever is not in the holy Qur’an then it is not authentic in our view)

-Mosnad Shafei p 151, Chapter Min Ketab Al-Yamin Ma Al-Shahed Al-Vahed, p 234, Chapter Min Ketab Al-Resalat Ela Ma Kana Maada, Sonan Ibn Maje v 1, p 6, 7 Chapter 2: Chapter Tazim Hadith Rasul alah Al-Taghliz Ali Min Areza, Hadith 13, Sonan Abi Davood , v 2, p 392, Chapter 6, Chapter Fi Lozum Al-Sonat, Hadith 4605, Sonan Termezi v 4, p 144, Chapter 10, Chapter Ma Nahi An Yaghal  And hadith Rasul Alah , Hadith 2800, Mosnad  Al-Hamidi, v 1, p 252, Hadith 551

عبد الله بن أبي رافع عن أبيه أبي رافع قال : سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : ألا لا أعرفن ما بلغ أحدا منكم حديث إن كان شيئا أمرت به أو نهيت عنه فيقول وهو متكئ على أريكته : هذا القرآن ، ما وجدنا فيه اتبعناه وما لم نجد فيه فلا حاجة لنا به .

Obayd Allah Ibn Abi Rafe quotes from his father that he said; I heard from the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) that stated; one day one of you will come to the power and in this time one of my narration will be brought to him in which whether I have ordered you to do something or prevented you to commit something then he will say while he has leaned to his throne that; the holy book of GOD is among you we are going to follow whatever we find in that book and we do not need whatever is not in that book

-Jame Bayan Al-Elm Fazle Ibn Abd Al-Bar, v 2, p 190, Chapter Moze Al-Sonat Min Al-Ketab , published by:Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie, Beirut Edition 1398 Hejira Ghamari

( this approach to the narrations of the holy prophet of GOD occurs in spite of this statement of Allah the Almighty who states in the holy Qur’an that

‘’ whatever the apostle gives you, accept it and from whatever he forbids you, keep back’’ the chapter Hashr (The Banishment) verse 7.

Thus in fact, it has to be said that these men who have treated to the narrations of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) have not really behaved according to the holy book of GOD)

From the other side, the compilation of the narrations of the Sunnites was initiated from the age of Omar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz and prior to that time the dominant policy was not to gather the narrations and virtually from the age of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) to the rulership of Omar Ibn Abd Al-Aiz, the majority of the companions and those who knew these narrations by heart passed away and those who were still alive as a result of the long age from the demise of the holy prophet of GOD indeed, had forgotten most of the narrations since before that time they were not allowed to mention these narrations. Thus it is rational that one will forget whatever he has not made review then now you are those who claim that you are acting in accordance to the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD thus you have to judge how much of the authentic tradition of the holy prophet of GOD have you obtained. But in my view if you call yourselves as the followers of the holy book of GOD would be more graceful to consider yourselves as the followers of the tradition of the holy prophet of GOD (the Sunnites)






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