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Seeing one`s fiancée’s face through the internet is Haraam!
ID: 211 Publish Date: 26 January 2016 - 09:42 Count Views: 1699
Wahhabism » Wahhabism
Seeing one`s fiancée’s face through the internet is Haraam!

The advisor of Justice Department of Saudi Arabia, who had formerly declared it religious for couples to be connected through internet and see each other 's face by yahoo messenger, has recently announced it as a Haraam action.

"I had known it acceptable for man to see his fiancée’s face through internet, but now I think what if the man is a craven guy who would misuse the girl 's photo in conditions that he could not marry the girl? Therefore, I reject my previous verdict and declare it Haraam to be connected through internet" said he.

He added: “when I was asked whether it is possible to see one 's fiancée’s face through yahoo messenger, I answered that basically seeing the girl 's face prior to marriage is an absolute right granted to a man but if it is to be a way to abuse her through the internet it is a Haraam action.

It 's worth mentioning that in spite of this Fatwa, many of boys have been trying to do so via internet in recent years. The reason behind that is the radical and conventional customs popular in Arabia which sometimes would even prevent the boy from seeing the girl 's face prior to marriage.

In the past and before the internet was available for everyone, Saudi boys were only dependent upon a description by their mother or sister about the girl 's face whom they were going to marry.

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