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Is there any consensus amongst Sunni scholars that commander of faithful [AS] is the first Muslim?
ID: 464 Publish Date: 20 November 2016 - 17:30 Count Views: 2246
Question & Answer » Imam Ali
Is there any consensus amongst Sunni scholars that commander of faithful [AS] is the first Muslim?


Yes there is, regardless narratives written in Sunni books, if we search Sunni famous scholars’ talks, we’ll find out that there is consensus amongst them that commander of faithful [AS] is the Muslim.

1: “Hakim Neyshapuri”

He says that there is no dissension amongst historians that commander of faithful Ali [AS] is the first Muslim.

 ولا أعلم خلافا بين أصحاب التواريخ أن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه أولهم إسلاما

I don’t know any opponent among historians that “Ali bin abi Talib” is the first Muslim.

“Al-Nishapuri”- the knowledge of Hadith science- v1, p22

2-3: “Suyuti” and “Ibn Hajar Haythami”

“Suyuty” has quoted the claim of consensus about it in the book “history of caliphs”:

وعلي رضي الله عنه أحدالعشرة المشهود لهم بالجنة ... وهو أول خليفة من بني هاشم وأبو السبطين أسلم قديما بل قال ابن عباس وأنس وزيد بن أرقم وسلمان الفارسي وجماعة إنه أول من أسلم ونقل بعضهم الإجماع عليه

{Commander of faithful} Ali, may god be satisfied of him, is one of ten guys who have been given glad tiding going to paradise…. He’s the first caliph of “Bani Hashim” and is the father of prophet [PBUH]’s two grandchildren and is amongst first Muslims who embraced Islam in the beginning of Islam; but “ibn Abbas”, “Anas”, “Zayd bin Arqam”, “Salman Farsi” and a group have said that “Ali” has been first Muslim and some have quoted that there is consensus about it.

“Al-Suyuti”, history of caliphs, v1, p166

“ibn Hajar Haythami” has quoted similar sentence to what “Suyuti” says:

الفصل الأول في إسلامه وهجرته وغيرهما

أسلم رضي الله عنه وهو ابن عشر سنين وقيل تسع وقيل ثمان وقيل دون ذلك قديما بل قال ابن عباس وأنس وزيد بن أرقم وسلمان الفارسي وجماعة إنه أول من أسلم ونقل بعضهم الإجماع عليه

“Al-Haythami”- {died in 973 AH} - al-Sawa’eq al-Muhraqa, v2, p351

Thus, there is consensus amongst Sunni early scholars that Hadrat “Ali” [AS] is the first Muslim.

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