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Was this verse “بقية الله خير لكم ان كنتم مومنين” sent down about Imam Mahdi [A.S]?
ID: 561 Publish Date: 17 May 2017 - 17:35 Count Views: 3188
Question & Answer » Mahdism
Was this verse “بقية الله خير لكم ان كنتم مومنين” sent down about Imam Mahdi [A.S]?


We have so many verses in holy Quran that their primary topic returns to the time of former Prophets [PBUTH] but an instance of that verse happens in the time of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. All stories quoted from the Prophets [PBUTH] were because that event was related to the age of Islamic Prophet [PBUH] and incidents of that time. Such as following verse:

رَحمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ عَلَيكُم أهلَ البَيتِ

The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted. 

Surah Hud – verse 73

This verse was sent down about hadrat “Abraham” and his dynasty but messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to put him in descendent of “Abraham” as well.

“Shukani” writes in this regard:

قوله : كما صليت علي آل إبراهيم هم إسماعيل وإسحاق وأولادهما، وقد جمع الله لهم الرحمة والبركة بقوله: رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد ولم يجمعا لغيرهم، فسأل النبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم إعطاء ما تضمنته الآية

When Prophet said: “As you solute on Abraham and his dynasty”, it means “Ismail”, “Isaac” and their descendent and god has collected blessing and mercy for his descendent because Quran says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted” and these two things haven’t been collected for anyone. So, messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to give him what’s in this verse,

“Al-Shukani” - Nail al-Awtar – vol. 2, p 325

“Sherbini” writes:

قال تعالي: (رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد) فسأل (ص) إعطاء ما تضمنته هذه الآية مما سبق إعطاؤه لإبراهيم

God says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted”. So, messenger of Allah asked god to give him what this verse includes.

“Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Sherbini” – Mughni al-Muhtaj – vol. 1, p 176

That’s why we see in narratives that when people wanted solute on “Ahl al-Bayt” of messenger of Allah, they’d read mentioned verse:

ثم نهض اليماني وهو يقول رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت.

Yemeni man rose and said: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House”.

“Al-Sheikh Kukaini” – Al-Kafi – vol. 1, p 347

The same goes for the verse written in title:

بقية الله خير لكم ان كنتم مومنين

What remains with Allah is better for you, if you are believers.

Surah Hud – verse 86

بقية الله” means something or someone that remains with Allah.

“Qurtubi” one of Sunni commentators on Quran writes about this verse:

( بقية الله خير لكم ) أي ما يبقيه الله لكم بعد إيفاء الحقوق.

بقية الله خير لكم"” means what god has left for you after giving others’ right.

“Al-Qurtubi”- Tafsi Al-Qurtubi- vol. 9, p 86

So the meaning of “بقية الله” is general and includes anything that god has left for people. One of their most important one is the one who will come and fill the society with justice.

That’s why it’s even written in some Sunni books that imam “Mahdi” calls himself “بقية الله” and others call him  بقية الله” as well.

وعن أبي جعفر أيضا قال : المهدي منا منصور بالرعب ...وصاح صايح من السماء بأن الحق معه ومع أتباعه فعند ذلك خروج قائمنا ، فإذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاث مائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه ، فأول ما ينطق هذه الآية : ( بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين ) ثم يقول : أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم ، فلا يسلم مسلم عليه إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض...

“Abu Ja’far” {imam Baqir} has been quoted: “Mahdi” is one of us “Ahl al-Bayt” [A.S] and god supports him by putting his fear in his enemies’ heart … caller calls from sky that he and his companions are right. In that time our riser will arise. So when he appears, he’ll lean toward “Kaaba” and three hundred and thirty people will gather up around him. So the first sentence that he says is this verse: “بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين”, then he says: O people! I’m “بقية الله {what remains with god} on the earth and god’s caliph and argument for you. So, no one greets him unless by saying this sentence: hello to you, O “بقية الله”.

“Ibn Sabbagh Maliki” – Al-Fosoul al-Muhimmah” – vol. 2, p 1133

Late Ayatollah “Mar’ashi” has said other documents from Sunni books regarding this issue:

منهم العلامة الشيخ عبد الهادي الأبياري في «العرائس الواضحة» (ص 209 ط القاهرة) قال: وعن أبي جعفر من خبر طويل: أنه إذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاثمائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه، فأول ما ينطق بهذه الآية :(بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين) ثم يقول: أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم فلا يسلم عليه أحد إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض ...

ومنهم العلامة المذكور في جالية الكدر (ص 209 ط مصر). روي الحديث عن أبي جعفر بعين ما تقدم عن «العرائس الواضحة ».

Allameh “Abd al-Hadi” is amongst Sunni scholars who have quoted this narrative in their books, he’s quoted long narrative from imam “Baqir” [A.S] in “Al-Ara’is al-Waziha” book, p 209 about when “Mahdi” appears and leans toward “Kaaba”, three hundred and thirty of his companions gather up around him and first verse that he reads is this verse: 

بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين

Then he says: I’m “بقية الله” and god’s caliph and argument for you and anyone who wants to greet him will say: hello to you, O “بقية الله”…

“Al-Mar’ashi” – Ihghaq al-Haqq – vol. 13, p 332

Good luck







We have so many verses in holy Quran that their primary topic returns to the time of former Prophets [PBUTH] but an instance of that verse happens in the time of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. All stories quoted from the Prophets [PBUTH] were because that event was related to the age of Islamic Prophet [PBUH] and incidents of that time. Such as following verse:

رَحمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ عَلَيكُم أهلَ البَيتِ

The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted. 

Surah Hud – verse 73

This verse was sent down about hadrat “Abraham” and his dynasty but messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to put him in descendent of “Abraham” as well.

“Shukani” writes in this regard:

قوله : كما صليت علي آل إبراهيم هم إسماعيل وإسحاق وأولادهما، وقد جمع الله لهم الرحمة والبركة بقوله: رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد ولم يجمعا لغيرهم، فسأل النبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم إعطاء ما تضمنته الآية

When Prophet said: “As you solute on Abraham and his dynasty”, it means “Ismail”, “Isaac” and their descendent and god has collected blessing and mercy for his descendent because Quran says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted” and these two things haven’t been collected for anyone. So, messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to give him what’s in this verse,

“Al-Shukani” - Nail al-Awtar – vol. 2, p 325

“Sherbini” writes:

قال تعالي: (رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد) فسأل (ص) إعطاء ما تضمنته هذه الآية مما سبق إعطاؤه لإبراهيم

God says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted”. So, messenger of Allah asked god to give him what this verse includes.

“Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Sherbini” – Mughni al-Muhtaj – vol. 1, p 176

That’s why we see in narratives that when people wanted solute on “Ahl al-Bayt” of messenger of Allah, they’d read mentioned verse:

ثم نهض اليماني وهو يقول رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت.

Yemeni man rose and said: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House”.

“Al-Sheikh Kukaini” – Al-Kafi – vol. 1, p 347

The same goes for the verse written in title:

بقية الله خير لكم ان كنتم مومنين

What remains with Allah is better for you, if you are believers.

Surah Hud – verse 86

بقية الله” means something or someone that remains with Allah.

“Qurtubi” one of Sunni commentators on Quran writes about this verse:

( بقية الله خير لكم ) أي ما يبقيه الله لكم بعد إيفاء الحقوق.

بقية الله خير لكم"” means what god has left for you after giving others’ right.

“Al-Qurtubi”- Tafsi Al-Qurtubi- vol. 9, p 86

So the meaning of “بقية الله” is general and includes anything that god has left for people. One of their most important one is the one who will come and fill the society with justice.

That’s why it’s even written in some Sunni books that imam “Mahdi” calls himself “بقية الله” and others call him  بقية الله” as well.

وعن أبي جعفر أيضا قال : المهدي منا منصور بالرعب ...وصاح صايح من السماء بأن الحق معه ومع أتباعه فعند ذلك خروج قائمنا ، فإذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاث مائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه ، فأول ما ينطق هذه الآية : ( بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين ) ثم يقول : أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم ، فلا يسلم مسلم عليه إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض...

“Abu Ja’far” {imam Baqir} has been quoted: “Mahdi” is one of us “Ahl al-Bayt” [A.S] and god supports him by putting his fear in his enemies’ heart … caller calls from sky that he and his companions are right. In that time our riser will arise. So when he appears, he’ll lean toward “Kaaba” and three hundred and thirty people will gather up around him. So the first sentence that he says is this verse: “بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين”, then he says: O people! I’m “بقية الله {what remains with god} on the earth and god’s caliph and argument for you. So, no one greets him unless by saying this sentence: hello to you, O “بقية الله”.

“Ibn Sabbagh Maliki” – Al-Fosoul al-Muhimmah” – vol. 2, p 1133

Late Ayatollah “Mar’ashi” has said other documents from Sunni books regarding this issue:

منهم العلامة الشيخ عبد الهادي الأبياري في «العرائس الواضحة» (ص 209 ط القاهرة) قال: وعن أبي جعفر من خبر طويل: أنه إذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاثمائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه، فأول ما ينطق بهذه الآية :(بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين) ثم يقول: أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم فلا يسلم عليه أحد إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض ...

ومنهم العلامة المذكور في جالية الكدر (ص 209 ط مصر). روي الحديث عن أبي جعفر بعين ما تقدم عن «العرائس الواضحة ».

Allameh “Abd al-Hadi” is amongst Sunni scholars who have quoted this narrative in their books, he’s quoted long narrative from imam “Baqir” [A.S] in “Al-Ara’is al-Waziha” book, p 209 about when “Mahdi” appears and leans toward “Kaaba”, three hundred and thirty of his companions gather up around him and first verse that he reads is this verse: 

بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين

Then he says: I’m “بقية الله” and god’s caliph and argument for you and anyone who wants to greet him will say: hello to you, O “بقية الله”…

“Al-Mar’ashi” – Ihghaq al-Haqq – vol. 13, p 332

Good luck







We have so many verses in holy Quran that their primary topic returns to the time of former Prophets [PBUTH] but an instance of that verse happens in the time of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. All stories quoted from the Prophets [PBUTH] were because that event was related to the age of Islamic Prophet [PBUH] and incidents of that time. Such as following verse:

رَحمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ عَلَيكُم أهلَ البَيتِ

The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted. 

Surah Hud – verse 73

This verse was sent down about hadrat “Abraham” and his dynasty but messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to put him in descendent of “Abraham” as well.

“Shukani” writes in this regard:

قوله : كما صليت علي آل إبراهيم هم إسماعيل وإسحاق وأولادهما، وقد جمع الله لهم الرحمة والبركة بقوله: رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد ولم يجمعا لغيرهم، فسأل النبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم إعطاء ما تضمنته الآية

When Prophet said: “As you solute on Abraham and his dynasty”, it means “Ismail”, “Isaac” and their descendent and god has collected blessing and mercy for his descendent because Quran says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted” and these two things haven’t been collected for anyone. So, messenger of Allah [PBUH] asked god to give him what’s in this verse,

“Al-Shukani” - Nail al-Awtar – vol. 2, p 325

“Sherbini” writes:

قال تعالي: (رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت إنه حميد مجيد) فسأل (ص) إعطاء ما تضمنته هذه الآية مما سبق إعطاؤه لإبراهيم

God says: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praised, Exalted”. So, messenger of Allah asked god to give him what this verse includes.

“Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Sherbini” – Mughni al-Muhtaj – vol. 1, p 176

That’s why we see in narratives that when people wanted solute on “Ahl al-Bayt” of messenger of Allah, they’d read mentioned verse:

ثم نهض اليماني وهو يقول رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت.

Yemeni man rose and said: “The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you, O people of the House”.

“Al-Sheikh Kukaini” – Al-Kafi – vol. 1, p 347

The same goes for the verse written in title:

بقية الله خير لكم ان كنتم مومنين

What remains with Allah is better for you, if you are believers.

Surah Hud – verse 86

بقية الله” means something or someone that remains with Allah.

“Qurtubi” one of Sunni commentators on Quran writes about this verse:

( بقية الله خير لكم ) أي ما يبقيه الله لكم بعد إيفاء الحقوق.

بقية الله خير لكم"” means what god has left for you after giving others’ right.

“Al-Qurtubi”- Tafsi Al-Qurtubi- vol. 9, p 86

So the meaning of “بقية الله” is general and includes anything that god has left for people. One of their most important one is the one who will come and fill the society with justice.

That’s why it’s even written in some Sunni books that imam “Mahdi” calls himself “بقية الله” and others call him  بقية الله” as well.

وعن أبي جعفر أيضا قال : المهدي منا منصور بالرعب ...وصاح صايح من السماء بأن الحق معه ومع أتباعه فعند ذلك خروج قائمنا ، فإذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاث مائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه ، فأول ما ينطق هذه الآية : ( بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين ) ثم يقول : أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم ، فلا يسلم مسلم عليه إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض...

“Abu Ja’far” {imam Baqir} has been quoted: “Mahdi” is one of us “Ahl al-Bayt” [A.S] and god supports him by putting his fear in his enemies’ heart … caller calls from sky that he and his companions are right. In that time our riser will arise. So when he appears, he’ll lean toward “Kaaba” and three hundred and thirty people will gather up around him. So the first sentence that he says is this verse: “بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين”, then he says: O people! I’m “بقية الله {what remains with god} on the earth and god’s caliph and argument for you. So, no one greets him unless by saying this sentence: hello to you, O “بقية الله”.

“Ibn Sabbagh Maliki” – Al-Fosoul al-Muhimmah” – vol. 2, p 1133

Late Ayatollah “Mar’ashi” has said other documents from Sunni books regarding this issue:

منهم العلامة الشيخ عبد الهادي الأبياري في «العرائس الواضحة» (ص 209 ط القاهرة) قال: وعن أبي جعفر من خبر طويل: أنه إذا خرج أسند ظهره إلي الكعبة واجتمع إليه ثلاثمائة وثلاثة عشر رجلا من أتباعه، فأول ما ينطق بهذه الآية :(بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين) ثم يقول: أنا بقية الله وخليفته وحجته عليكم فلا يسلم عليه أحد إلا قال : السلام عليك يا بقية الله في الأرض ...

ومنهم العلامة المذكور في جالية الكدر (ص 209 ط مصر). روي الحديث عن أبي جعفر بعين ما تقدم عن «العرائس الواضحة ».

Allameh “Abd al-Hadi” is amongst Sunni scholars who have quoted this narrative in their books, he’s quoted long narrative from imam “Baqir” [A.S] in “Al-Ara’is al-Waziha” book, p 209 about when “Mahdi” appears and leans toward “Kaaba”, three hundred and thirty of his companions gather up around him and first verse that he reads is this verse: 

بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين

Then he says: I’m “بقية الله” and god’s caliph and argument for you and anyone who wants to greet him will say: hello to you, O “بقية الله”…

“Al-Mar’ashi” – Ihghaq al-Haqq – vol. 13, p 332

Good luck


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